User Reviews: AWAKE

AWAKE - Definitive Edition
AWAKE - Definitive Edition
Off The Beaten Track UG haftungsbeschraenkt

Top reviews

  • Help

    It seems like a good game, but I can’t play it because the buttons appear off screen. I wish I could adjust the size
  • What a dumb game

    Title says it all, it's an absolutely stupid game. Entire thing takes maybe 15 minutes...paper thin plot, obtuse puzzles, terrible feedback on your actions.


    The entire premise is ridiculous. Apparently the killer is the jilted husband, this is handwaved with "he can be a little crazy I guess", absolutely no more motivation or depth than that.

    He uses a freaking *blow dart* to incapacitate you, how utterly campy is that? Then you spend the next 5-10 minutes fumbling with random objects (that doesn't go together, nope that won't work, etc) until you construct a Rube Goldberg death machine using combination of gas and soap and a knife or bear trap or whatever on the dock.

    Multiple points have zero feedback, I used a broom on a door and then just had to stand there for like two minutes, just tapping my phone screen to keep it from sleeping before randomly a blow dart comes through the window and everyone just dies.

    Other stupid random things:

    The killer is apparently using your car to kill you (how did he get the keys??), it's very clearly a hatchback with a giant glass window in the back, and yet when you're in the trunk it's pitch black? I thought hey let's use the wrench to bust the glass, but no, protag can only think to "dismantle the tires" which would take too long apparently. But stabbing them with a knife randomly gets you the solve.

    Then the big ending where the killer blindly drags you to a dock and slips and falls on your soap gas onto an upturned knife?? LO freaking L.

    Remember, the killer is using a *blow dart* to tranq you in the neck. Apparently the worlds strongest dart that can shatter glass windows. Why not just....stand away from the window? Maybe cover your neck?

    Just a stupid game top to bottom. Feels like an unfinished demo concept, no depth at all.
  • Good

    A short and sweet point-and-click adventure. If your stuck, try tbh. You'll be rewarded when you see the kiiler, and take him down for the first time. Hint: use the knife.
  • Fantastic game but you need to understand how it works

    Time loop games, excellent thought and gameplay. Check steam guides or walkthrough if you can’t figure it out…
  • I shouldn’t have had to pay

    I don’t see anywhere on this game where you charge for it. I downloaded it and all of a sudden I have to pay for it? That’s wrong
  • Are you KIDDING ME?

    I just paid 2 bucks for a 4 minute game? I can’t believe that was it. What a waste. Don’t waste your money. The game has a good concept if it wasn’t 4 minutes long. I can’t believe that was it . What a rip off!

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