Tacit chaos and the vicissitudes of chance
Most commendable about this game is that, as the developer states, it is language-less. Utilizing primary and advanced semiotics, one is able to easily understand and progress through the game, as the symbols and numbers pertaining to equipment, items, and enemies, are for the most part quickly assimilated. There are not excessive, hyperbolic descriptions, nor lengthy paragraphs extolling the virtues of this or that; everything is streamlined into a basic, intelligible narrative. Progress too, is quickly understood; the relatively large world silently guides you to where you should explore next, predicated upon your level and experience. That the developer created such an enjoyable game devoid of a specific language-oriented interface is absolutely brilliant.
This game is, as the review title implies, slightly chaotic and chance-oriented. It's graphics are elementary, which I personally adore, the sound simple and environmental, and, because of those two things, the atmosphere compelling for the purpose at hand. Oddly enough, there becomes a relaxing, hypnotic journey to be found, as you meander through the world in an attempt to find your legacy. An excellent, light segue between the developer's haunting, immersive exploratory RPG 9th Dawn 2 and its hopefully imminent sequel.