Park is great / bracelets are pointless
The bracelets, on the other hand, don’t seem to serve any purpose. They’re meant to help members earn points toward certain rewards. However, the points earned vs the cost of the rewards are are not realistic. Each ride earns you 100 points. You can get a free pretzel for 4000 points. That means you have to ride 10 rides per visit, and visit four times. For season pass holders, that’s challenging on its own. For someone simply visiting one time, it’s impossible. Unless you raise the amount of points you can earn, there’s no point in having bracelets.
Other parks such as Volcano Bay use bracelets in their park experience as well. These bracelets allow you to link your credit card to them, utilizing a one-touch system for purchases. I would be 100% on board with that. Id be able to get drinks, food, and gifts all without making a trip to the locker. I’d spend so much more money. What if you could earn points that way? Just sayin……..that is a big missed opportunity to get people to spend money at the park.