You only have to read the description by the developer to understand how this is the app for life as we live it these days.
Apple should include it in the future iOS.
The App is flexible. It does not force the developer’s ideas on the user.
It is minimalistic. Does not have needless controls.
Backup is easy.
There is NO requirement for a premier lifetime subscription.
The feature-set feels like work in progress and it is still in version 1 but definitely good enough and quite unique already.
Would be helpful to have two way links with iPhone calendar, reminder and notes to give it more collaboration with the rest of the device.
Ability to send emails would be very helpful. The option to use handwriting and pen would be valuable for the quick notes that can not be typed.
Finally a version for seeing and entering the contents on the iWatch plus an iPod version is essential.
If there could be a Mac version for legacy MacOS then it could be very popular to the millions who are still working on the earlier computers.
Highly recommended (just read the developer’s introduction to the App on the App Store).