CarX Street User Reviews

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  • S14 best newbie car

    I’ve got 25h of playtime and I’m still at the beginning. Don’t expect to be able to put in a few hours every day and then magically be able to afford a super car within a week… it’s never going to happen… this game takes time. Learn to enjoy what you have because as a fan of this game you’re in it for the long haul. A suggestion for new players, I’ve been having a lot of fun on my S14. It’s a cheap car, looks cool, it’s very fast and drifts excellently. The physics and world that the devs have built here are fantastic. This is a free console-quality open world racing and drifting game for your phone. It’s amazing what the devs have been able to accomplish, so don’t be surprised if your 10 year old device can’t handle it. You’d be surprised though, I’m on the old iPhone X with low graphics and it’s still very enjoyable. The ads aren’t annoying, you can watch them if you want to fill up for free at the gas station. I do have one issue to report. Since the last update about one month ago, I can no longer access the car store at all. Why is this review still a 5? Because I’ve enjoyed this game a lot for the last 25h of playtime and I’m not even close to finished yet. I’m sure it will be fixed soon. The devs are constantly coming back to introduce more updates. Since I can’t afford a gaming system at this time, Car X Street has been awesome for me. Devs keep up the good work, thank you so much for this game.
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  • Amazing game!

    Awesome, almost perfect! A great job by the devs. I don’t know what y’all are talking about the interior not being detailed enough, i mean, you can customize the interior and then see it when you get in first person camera! Not to mention the fact that There is active gauges on the dash(gauges that move). And the graphics are incredible! Im on an iPhone 8plus from Like 2017 and it runs just fine, and duh it’s supposed to be hard to get money, it about the racing and the progression, not how much you have in your wallet, the premium currency(coins) are hard to get because you get incredibly OP items from them, like the SUUUUPPPRRAAA is expensive but it sure is work it! The races are supposed to be had so we don’t get bored, and the tough AI just makes it funner, I do agree though that the tires do wear out to fast, like at least make them last longer than ten minutes, especially those of us who have maxed out power builds, even with racing plus and max tire grip they wear out super fast, but the whole gas aspect of the game is super fun when your just chillin, maybe you built your car and roleplaying goin to the store and maybe you need some gas, it’s a really cool aspect! Awesome game! Great job by the devs, just add tire durability please, my one and only request other than keep up the good work with the updates! Peace out! Signed CheezeTheWizrd2
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  • Great game

    This is my favorite game so far for racing takes me back to nfs underground 2, love the graphics and the driving physics are really good for a mobile game I just miss the slider accelerator that we got on CarX drifting I really wish I could control exactly how much acceleration I want especially for the turns if u can bring that back I feel like racing tight corners or even just cruising around would be so much more realistic, right now the way it is with the slow and fast acceleration button same with the breaking you either get to much of it or not enough I want to be able to ride the corners with out gassing it to much or slowing down to much… unless I’m drifting it works fine the way it is but I’m racing more then drifting, the breaking buttons are the same you either get to break hard or break really slow not much of a fan of the button system and one more thing I like to drive with the view from inside the car I drive better that way but during the day time in first person view it is way to bright it’s like the window from the inside almost has a glare and it’s hard to see, it’s kinda like when your driving toward a car with the brights flashing through your wind shield it’s not exactly like that but it’s the only way I can explain it the other camera views are fine though that’s my only complaints I love this game keep up the good work CarX Technologies
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    Developer Response

    Thanks a lot for the review. We will submit your suggestions to the development team.
  • Best game since Burnout Paradise

    It’s a great free to play game. It takes a long time to learn everything including but not limited to having to delete and reset your account, because you realized you didn’t make some of the most wise decisions in order to save up for a Camaro, for example, which helps you dominate some of the higher tier clubs. It’s like a role playing game, and the fact that online doesn’t have chat, makes it that much more fun because everyone just plays the game, as there’s trains of people unofficially racing on the interstate system, and then official races you win because you’ve gone done and did that min maxing to your car and seen it in action at toe to toe wins with people who have obviously spent loads of real life money on certain cars premade cars or not…
    If this game could just get bigger in file size that’d be great. I know what this can be, and get a head start and beat even the upcoming need for speed mobile game. It’s too bad people see it as a replacement to CarX Drift, which I’ve never played, but this game is definitely worth spending hours on before they do certain things to it and patch a few bugs that obviously benefit free to play players heavily. Whether it’s intentional or not, probably shouldn’t matter. This is in my top 3 games to play, and I play the likes of Tekken and Counter-Strike.
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  • CARX PLZ READ! Everything other than a couple things is perfection

    1) the interior view cam isn’t very detailed unlike the rest of the car which is kinda annoying 2) i think that the tires run out too fast, ill spend $6,000 on 10 pairs of tires and one of them will run out in like 40 mins. So i think that tires should either be mor durable, cheaper or just not run out at all 3) some of the club races are way too hard. I just started the drift united club and the 4th drift race thing is like impossible if you dont have a fully maxed out car. And my car is still a lot higher than the recommended level and i still cant get more than 2500 of the 3500 points i need. 4) it’s kinda really hard to get money. I have been grinding the game for hours a day and because of all the money you have to spend on like gas and tires it’s really hard to make enough money to get new cars and stuff ✨idea✨ You know how there is like boxes around the map with money in them I think there should be a couple that are filled with the coins (like maybe 3-5 coins) i also think that there should be other smaller maps like is carx drift racing 2 like redrock in the game that we can choose from (for free plz i have spent enough).
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  • This game is great but needs some improvements

    As a beginner, the game isn't as enjoyable as the star rate I’ve given until you've progressed significantly. The main issue lies in the costly upgrades; for example, I chose the NX5 Mazda Miata, and the upgrade prices are steep for cheap car’s. Races pay just enough to upgrade a few parts, and all your earnings go into improving the one car you have to meet race requirements. The cars you're gifted have little value and upgrades are also steep, and side missions provide minimal help. The “Box delivery” and “Car delivery” missions help somewhat, but with a 1-3 hour cooldown, grinding is difficult. It's nearly impossible to save money, pushing you to consider purchasing a game pass to get ahead—only the premium pass offers real help.

    Driving can be fun, but the heavy traffic and blinding tail lights at night are frustrating, and these issues can't be adjusted. Offline races are also problematic, as other racers often crash into you or the traffic, making it hard to gain an advantage. The boost is underwhelming compared to other games, and while developers patched glitches that could help players, they ignored more critical issues. There are more problems, but detailing them would make this review much longer like with online experience and offline lag experience and etc.
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  • fun but racing on the street isnt

    I love this game its super fun and it has my car in the game. I think the game has a lot of potential but it is also hair splitting when you actually want to earn any money. Anytime you join a club and have a club race and its super long, theres a good 60-80% chance you're going to crash or eventually get overtaken. CarX disables traffic on the drift game modes but on the races they have regular traffic go. And they are unpredictable, will have blinkers either going for a long time and not move or no blinker at all and they move fast. Also the AI that you race has absolutely no regard for human life, sometimes if feels like they are trying to run you off the road. And if the AI crashes, give it 2 seconds and they will be 2 cars behind you. Doing these clubs and races are the ONLY way to earn money besides deliveries (limited by time as well) in the game. Carx should turn traffic off during races but I feel like they want to frustrate people into buying the in-game currency. I want to run the best times possible not dodge through traffic.
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  • Best racing game on mobile

    It is certainly the best racing game on mobile but I have seen a major problem that happens in races or while driving around. The other cars on the road are NPCs just like any other game but they weave a lot. I’ve had so many races that I should be winning destroyed because of a car weaving into my lane or speeding up at a intersection. It has been a lot of times where I know that I can just speed up to not get hit in intersections but I still somehow get hit by the car because it sped up. Plus there are no red lights just flashing yellows so all the NPCs do is slow down and then go or just go and no slow down. Or if there is another racer in front of me and they dodge a car but the car swerves and hit me directly killing my chances at winning. Another thing is that it feels like the NPC racers can’t be pushed. I would be racing in 1st but another car speeds up to my side and rams against me so I push back but it feels like I am not doing anything. The only way to mess them up is either perfectly hitting the back wheels or hitting the strait on. Anything else they seem to somehow weave back and gain control very easily. It still is the best racing game for mobile but I have had way to many stolen races from me because of NPCs.
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  • Recommend

    I would recommend that we can send money to friends or at least make it different how to join with friends and lets us see our friend list I recommend fixing how to play with people or friends i am willing to pay 10k to make private servers but at least fix the friend list i have a big family i play with alot of people lets us add other people and able to the friend list it would be nice other people struggling to join to each other cause of that im loving the game we loving the game just a 1 problem maybe 2 but lets see our friend list change that or maybe let us maybe send money to them you know helping each other but my mostly recommend is friend list that’s it hopefully u guys read this and kindly support my idea it would help alot of people some people wouldn’t recommend they will play and just wait for updates so im here to recommend that thank you guys so much i really love the game ive spent money alot thats how much i love this game ive went to the actual website and bought cars from the website so please at least do that recommend if u guys ever do it i will be so happy i would love the game so much everything in the game is accurate and perfect no problem at all it’s just the friend list like u can add someone maybe able to send money 😂 but yes we love the game we will support and play the game to the end 💯.
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  • Street Racing or Crash Derby?

    This game has so much potential. Been playing Carx Street for some time now and it CAN be a lot of fun. Lets start with the biggest issue. THE A.I is awful! Theres no car enthusiast anywhere in a street race or otherwise that would drive like the in game rivals. It’s like trying to race while playing twisted metal at the same time. Incredibly annoying. THEN there’s the massive amount of traffic that will cross lanes and drive head on into you constantly. Customization options are fair, graphics are solid but takes turning the quality way down for most smart phones to not feel like they are over heating and 300 degrees in your hands while playing. The map layout is full of fun driving roads of totally different styles. All in all worth playing and experiencing but be ready to be VERY frustrating at times. Also be ready to spend real money or play until your fingers hurt to get anywhere in this game because the winnings barely scratch the surface of the exorbitant cost of parts!
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