User Reviews: Border Officer

Border Officer
Border Officer

Top reviews

  • No detain button and gun won’t work

    So, this game overall is decent, it’s not the same as the actual game but it’s a good second. Now, I think it’s a little weird that there’s no detain button when you come across wanted criminals, and when I need to use my rifle, I can’t load it. I’ll click on the ammo and I’ll try other stuff but the gun simply won’t work. So I just haft to assume that the other guard dealt with the criminal.
  • Gas pedal does not work

    Every time I try to drive my car the gas pedal won’t move I try to push it up it still doesn’t move and I try to push it down and it still doesn’t move can you please fix I realll love this game and fri the sake of it I’ll give 5 stars but please fix this
  • Some bugs overall good game

    Ok so when I’m on the document or the computer I’m checking people but when I try to exit documents or the computer it takes more then one tap pls fix and can you make a flip button for the car pls
  • Good but glitch read it>

    Amazing game however I deleted it because i tried to continue once and it didn’t work so I had to restarts the game. I went to the store the gas station because I thought it had sweets for my son, and I want to countor and I got stuck so I glitched and clicked go to menu. And tried to press the dang Continue button, but it DID NOT LET ME PRESS IT! So :( oh well deleted it, couldn’t bare to restart my progress! Good game tho:)
  • Saving

    its so cool game i really love it even if its graphics are not that perfect but still good game but i have a problem that i cabt really save the game so if i finished like the day and came back home and slept after that when i got something to do and need to quit the game if i did it wont be saved and when i come back play it will start again from day one and i cant press load game so i hope you fix that
  • Amazing

    Make more games like this one like maybe a store or a detective you could also do one like we’re you work in your own company
  • It is amazing but.

    I tried to go outside but I could not go out the hand button didn’t work and when ever I go on the news paper I can’t get it off the screen please creator of this game read this
  • Was this made in 2001

    When I get inside of the car I can’t even get out there is no button anywhere for me to get out so I have to walk my way there and also when I go up to my computer once when I click on a link you are staying there no way to exit it and also I can never drop any papers so when you pick them up you can’t put then down AND when I sign the letter I have to tap on exit 109 times for it to exit this game is absolute TRASH
  • I can’t save

    I really do like this game but every time I want to play I have to start a new game. Continue is not an option from the menu. I’ve played through a couple days just to start over. Am I missing something?
  • Doesn’t work but I want to play it

    I have seen some one play it and it looks amazing and fun but it doesn’t work on my phone and my phone is new enough to play it but it crashes when I press new game!!!