Needs more
Black Desert (PC version) is a great game probably my favorite mmo, but to prevent players from quitting I would’ve liked to see guaranteed enhancements rather than a percentage chance. Using the same materials the game could’ve had players use more materials to make the game harder and more rewarding rather than only having a chance at enhancement. Players would rather craft 50k-100k magical black stone for a garunteed pen blackstar than pull their hair out and lose their sanity. My guild quit bdo and now I’m a solo player. All my friends would have stayed if the gear progression in the game had a time rewarding approach. They all blew up their gear out of frustration like most bdo players eventually do myself included. I only recently started playing again because I really do love the graphics and combat that much, also like most players. I still think bdo could obtain more players than most mmos if the gear progression didant revolve around percentage chances.