User Reviews: bb

General Adaptive Apps Pty Ltd

Top reviews

  • Game

    Just for everybody reading it is not a tapping game you swipe up
  • What

    How does it even work…?
  • Херня

    Полная херня. Отстой
  • Weird

    It is impossible and the color is difrant…?
  • poorly executed

    could be a fun game if you had any type of instructions. after the first blue ball nothing happens.
  • Very confused?

    The first time you tap it works the blue ball goes but after that nothing happens I’m very confused???
  • 245 requests to tracking sites in 3 seconds

    No thanks.
  • fun game

    how does no one know how to play this game? you have to get the blue ball onto the spinning circle without it touching the red ball.
  • Awful

    this game makes no sense you can’t get past the first level and when you tap NOTHING HAPPENS!!!!
  • Unable to play

    This game would be enjoyable, however, there are no instructions or anything indicating how the game is intended to be played. Therefore one can not get past the first ‘level’. Please try either debugging or adding instructions.

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