User Reviews: Shadow Bullet 3D

Shadow Bullet 3D
Shadow Bullet 3D
Vinicius Pacha

Top reviews

  • Slow

    The game is very slow and makes the game less fun, I f the speed is like they show on the videos they advertise it would give it a 4 or 5. Also this game has totally no racial content to it at all. People just want to see the worst into innocent things.
  • Racial content

    Has a racial content. Black people get shot or being shot by a lighter tone ( white )
  • unresponsive

    game could be enjoyable but the game does not respond to the touchscreen.
  • Very interesting and fun game

    Obviously the only problem is the controls, if the controls had a “fire” button and “directional” toggle I think it would make the game better since even if you already know what to do and if there’s one guy left you have to drag your finger all the way to some unknown part of the phone
    I’m on level 50 so I don’t know if you can shoot enemies on high buildings or low holes but that would be smarter than putting them only on level planes
    At the end of day The puzzles are good and it shows how mind control works so I like it
  • Doesn’t work

    Add a shoot button or something! I can’t even make it past the first level because the guns won’t fire, and if they do, it’s just whenever they want, and not when I release my finger. Fix the game. It’s broken.
  • It kinda works

    It’s a decent game that would be a lot more enjoyable if it worked correctly. Trying to control the directions can be a little laggy, and the gun often times fires whenever it feels like it causing you to have to reset the level or pretty much just die. All in all, if you have true patience, this game might be for you.
  • The shooting is messed up

    This game annoys me cuz of how poorly it was made. How hard is it to add a shoot button?
  • I have seen other games better than this

    Why would they make this game did they play it there self I bet they didn’t plz do not play this game it is really bad
  • Just a another gamw
