User Reviews: Smartphone Tycoon 2

Top reviews

  • No autosave and touch issues

    This game is great, but knowing the fact that whatever I’m doing will not save is really demotivating. Sometimes when I’m playing the game stops responding to my touch inputs and my first instinct is to relaunch the game because it’s not working, which makes it delete everything I’ve done and now you have to start from square 1. I tried saving through exiting to main menu and clicking the red shutdown button but that doesn’t work either. Please, can you just include autosaving atleast every minute or something? Is that much to ask for?
  • Mostly Ok

    This app is mostly okay but I have only hired 8 people and I have a max office and it only has them working on the phone or OS and when I tried to get more workers it said my office was full when there were only 8 workers, when I tried firing them to zero I could hire more workers but with no profiles and they don’t work on any project now I am stuck on an OS update pretty good game otherwise.
  • Saving bug

    I love this game so so much but the no saving issue makes the game the worst thing in the world. I don’t even bother to mention sharing or buying from this game because I was having so much fun and then I have to restart all over again and it’s just the same thing over and over. You get rich, lose your progress, get rich, lose your progress. It’s just the same thing over and over. It’s not fun and if there was no bugs, five star on any day of the week.

    First let me start by saying I purchased the first iteration of this game, spent REAL money on in game money, removal of ads and the rediculous iPhone X in app purchase.. Didn't play for a few weeks and came back to none of my purchases, the game reset completely, and there was no way to restore your purchase in the game.. So I emailed the developer about it, waited and waited to no response ever, and eventually asked for a refund, obviously, they didn't respond to that either.. So a few months later (now), I see there's a part 2 to the game, from the same developer, who ignored my emails.. Seeing the screenshots made me tempted to give it a try, and when I say I am utterly disgusted by the way they have put out the same scam of a game, and included some great features (albeit broken af) that should've just been updated info the first game, still are charging extra money to get the modern phone designs (and almost every cool feature you would want to add to your phone design), and worst of all, the game is completely broken, does not save your progress, RESETS every time you close the app, and sadly the developer doesn't care either, just wants your money and will never update the gave with fixes or give your money back.. so DO NOT SPEND ANY MONEY ON THIS GAME!! This is a warning. I also am reporting them to Apple.
  • Amazing Yet...

    I have an issue anybody that got this game would know and experience.

    Could you please fix the glitch on how every time you exit to the Main Menu and go back to your game,all your phones,and money goes down the drain. You keep your Research Points and workers but it’s not fair. FIX THIS NOW!!!
  • Really Fun

    I love tycoon games and I love being able to sell and create a smartphone. There are a few issues with the game that are making it hard to play. One being the research lab you can actually learn anything there is no upgrade button or anything. The other issue is everything you have to purchase. They should have a one time payment method to pay for everything instead of individually. Other than this issue’s the game is really amazing and has a lot of potential to become amazing.
  • There is goods and some bads

    At the start of the game it is really fun I love how it is like the real PC version. But when I went on to day 3 of playing I saved it the night before then in the morning my progress was gone when I pressed continue I bought the builds back and made a new phone but there was no detail or anything I think it was a glitch due to no photos or stats. The game is really fun but I like to see the developers of the game to improve the game more.
  • More options

    I love the game I play it a lot but the reason it’s not 5 stars cus there should be more options like there should be an upgrade where you can release more than one phone at a time like how apple release the iPhone XS Xs max and xr and I feel like the company charts should be moving rapidly loosing and gaining money cus beating them is like eating cake and the reviews should let you know what your missing in the phone and I also feel there should be an option to research and gain research points but moral of the story is make it like an actual smartphone tycoon not a Fun little simulator
  • Saving problem

    This is a HUGE improvement from the last game and I loved it. Emphasis on loved. It was a great game. I had leveled up the office a lot, had around $200 million, and had 14 phones. All gone. All I had left was $50 million, 24 research points, office level 1, and no phones. I was devastated. All that hard work, gone. So what I’m trying to say is fix that little bug. Otherwise it’s a great game and had fun playing it.
  • Saving Issue

    I enjoy this game thoroughly, and that’s why when I downloaded It I spent like the whole day on it, but then I exited to main menu and then closed the app, but later when I got on all my progress was gone. I had basically all the upgrades and I had over 50B dollars, after I lost all my progress I lost all my eagerness to play the game, I don’t really want to play knowing I will loose all my hard work again. If you had a save button or an auto save that would make this game a 5 star for me.

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