“Paired” is an augmented reality short story and kids book that explores the lives of two socks, Saul and Sadie. These "solemates" do everything together around Randy's feet, but when they are accidentally separated at the laundromat, Sadie and Saul find themselves plunged into the world of lost misfit clothes. On their adventures, they learn the value of taking risks and how to appreciate the true love of "solemates".
Reading storybooks is one thing, but imagine those very storybooks exploding into 3D life all around you! Paired Studios brings you this immersive experience that lets you place the adventure wherever you want in your own space. So whether it be a pesky dog, a skydiving sock or an epic battle of rats, you become part of the journey in real time.
The story was written for kids but can be enjoyed by audiences of all ages!
Place the AR book on the floor OR let us make this easier for you with AR Table Mode, which places an AR table in your space to place the book at eye level so that you don't need to crouch down.
Featuring Voice Talent by:
Ray Tezanos as: the Narrator, Saul, Randy, and Shane
Jenny Lorenzo as: Sadie, Gloria, Threads
- Devices must have iOS 11 or above
- App is compatible with iPhone 6S and newer
- App is compatible with iPad 2017 and newer
- The app requires access to your device’s camera and speakers
- The app is 100% safe and private with none of your personal data being recorded or saved
- Please be careful with your surroundings as this app encourages movement in your physical space
- For any questions, please visit, https://www.pairedstudios.com/
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