I beat the game in about 20 minutes.
Also, the controls leave a lot to be desired.... I really wish they were more dual-stick like. If you could fire your weapon 360 degrees, and if the character would turn around and face left when running left so that the slower backwards movement would only go into effect if you were firing your weapon and moving backwards or something, I think it'd feel a lot more natural and comfortable/intuitive while playing instead of clunky and frustrating. It'd also be really nice to be given the option to X the jump button and just use the movement stick for jumping since that's what you're doing the majority of the time anyway...
Long story short: this game is WAY too short and the controls/movement needs to be tweaked/changed before this can come close to holding its own alongside the very small handful of run'n'gun titles available in the AppStore. You're much better off grabbing Metal Slug, Gunstar Heroes, Major Mayhem, ATOMIK, or just... basically ANY other r'n'g title, at least until this is updated (if it ever is).