User Reviews: Internet Cafe Simulator

Internet Cafe Simulator
Internet Cafe Simulator

Top reviews

  • Slow

    This is a good game and all but the only thing that needs to be fixed is the sensitivity, like man it’s so slow you can even have that much of fun when you have to keep moving so much because of how slow and how barley your person is turning other then that it’s all and fun just need to fix the sensitivity
  • Love it

    The only problems that I have is that the bodyguard doesn’t work, the people don’t stay long enough for you to take their orders, and I suggest that you lock the item in place after you place it because the boys walk into my setups and it messes everything up. That’s all
  • ummmm

    I played this because i saw lets game it out play and it doesn't look very different than on computer but the mobile controls are super bad like i cant do any crypto stuff because it wont let me type without a physical keyboard attached.
    It looks horrible but it runs fine
    Also I don’t know if it’s a bug or not but my game will never save- the only thing that will save is the amount of money I have which is annoying and I can’t buy anything good with $500 😂😂😂
    Anyways it could be good on mobile if the controls were better but they aren’t

    If you want to play this game for a day straight and really grind to be good then you do you but otherwise I don’t recommend
  • This is a good game, but the picture quality is too low, with big serrated teeth and bugs.

    This is a very interesting game, but there are some bugs. I like this game very much, but I hope developers can improve the following: 1. I hope the picture quality can be higher and everything can be clearer, even if it takes up more space. 2. The mobile version of cryptocurrencies cannot be entered when they are bought or sold, so they cannot be sold or bought back. In addition: I hope the developer can reply to me as soon as possible when he sees my comments. If the problem has been fixed and the picture quality is higher, I will comment on you again and give you a 5-star praise to encourage you.
  • It’s okay needs improvements..

    (This isn’t gonna be a long review just a summary)
    This is an amazing game and it’s just like the pc version. The only issues is that there is a lot of ads and it’s hard for me to avoid not moving the desk because it could ruin the whole set up. But, the main reason why I give this a 3 and why I deleted is because if I close out the game or if my phone was to die everything in my store will disappear and trash will show up. It’s like I started a new game but the only things that’s left are the extra rooms I bought. That’s about it.
  • Worst mobile controls ever

    For a mobile version they need to work on the controls WAY more. I'm not a sadist, so I stopped after 30 mins and don't think I will play again on mobile. Unless you have a controller or mouse and keyboard attached to your phone, you will have trouble enjoying this game.

    The concept is great but the content is minimal. The UI is unstable and the ads are invasive and heavy handed. I get the need to make money from your work(Ive run a small game studio since 2011) but you are driving away many customers who would likely support you financially given the option.

    Please fix the game because there is a large marker here for this. Start by offering a premium version without ads for $10-15. Then add sensitivity options to turning. It shouldn't take over a minute to leave your bedroom in game.
  • Great features!

    It’s a great game, there’s just a few things that would make it better.. First is, please change the characters. They actually creep and gross me out. Especially the Homeless man, he looks like a complete zombie! Second is, please probably add more places, and make the town look as if it’s full of life. It just looks like an abandon town. Also, get rid of all the fog. Third is, please add more furniture. To make the Internet cafes look more presentable. Upgrade the apartment, or better yet just give the player a regular house. Fourth is, please add some type of shaders. Well, it isn’t much necessary but it would be nice!! And.. That's all! These features would really, really help the game! Considering the fact that this game hasn’t been updated in a year.
  • It’s ok buuutttt......

    The game is pretty fun however there are a lot of things that need improving one of the problems is that it’s really slow when you turn around and there needs more options to toggle the sensitivity another complaint is that the environment is very Barron and empty there needs to be more locations and things to do there’s only like what the apartment building, the strip club, the pawn shop and of course the Internet cafe, and also the bugs and glitches the one that really killed it for me is when you save and log out it doesn’t save your progress and you have to start all over again😡
  • Good game, lots of bugs

    I love the concept of the game and it’s not bad at all but with all the ads popping up sometimes the game will just spawn a black screen that I can’t close and I have to close the entire app to get it to go away but everytime I leave the game and come back anything I bought is just gone and I get if it just didn’t save or something but like all my money I used to buy it is gone as well but all my appliances are gone
  • A little bad

    The game is honestly good put please update the game it needs better graphics and please fix all the bugs in the game and you should add a waiter for the kitchen and a janitor so you don’t have to clean everything up when you wake up and go to your game cafe please I’m begging but it’s a good game