User Reviews: 3D

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  • UGH!!!

    I only had this app for less than a week and I've already completed "ALL 12 levels "!!! 🥺😴Please tell me you plan to add more levels to this game!!! Glad I haven't paid for any subscription on this or I'd be angry if this is all the app has to offer!! 🤔 Some other changes could improve the gaming experience, like speed boosters, the option to customize your base or pointer with different colors or cute images, and even the option to earn points, gems, or coins to spend on other enhancements would be cool. 😍Additionally...AS FOR THE GLITCHES...that 99.9% of your reviewers are complaining about needs to be corrected!!! The sooner the better, or people will lose interest!🥱 I'm on an iPhone 6S (for your reference) and the app shuts down and closes in the middle of game play! 😡 It also fails to issue many (not all) revivals for an extra life after watching a video! 😡 The game "shakes", very glitchy at times! 😡 It fails to "fill in" a space, regardless of the size! 😡PLEASE FIX ALL GLITCHES AND UPGRADE LEVELS FOR BETTER GAME PLAY AND I WILL GIVE 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ BECAUSE THIS GAME HAS GREAT POTENTIAL TO BE AWESOME!!!!😉
  • It’s an amazing concept, but glitches make the game boring.

    Overall, the game gives a structural component with how you should move on to different shapes as you collect stars as a reward for how much space you cover with your ink. The problem I repeated come across is these glitches that don’t let me collect more space. Additionally, colors glitch within one another if two colors are too close to one another. The 3D model on the left is a very useful method to benefit the player, yet it should be improved when showing other players as well. Finally, I feel as if the adsense on this game is excessive. Due to this, I’ve bought the “No Ads” pass in order to prevent this from happening, but $2.99 was personally too much for my liking. Every time you lose or “die” in the game, you’re greeted by an ad which can be potentially annoying to the player wanting to desperately start another round. The game is overall a good way to be “hooked”, brings an overall cool new way to pass the time, and is very entertaining. If the changes were made, would most likely play this game continuously.
  • Glitches!!!

    It’s hard not to want to give this game 5 stars because if it weren’t for the not-so-minor glitches I would absolutely love it. Love the concept behind the game and getting 100% on each map is challenging and fun. But it’s worth nothing when you can’t make it through a level because you’re randomly killed while within your own color, or the robot player you just killed doesn’t die, or you make a line and it doesn’t fill in or you attempt to revive yourself and watch a 30 SECOND AD (🙄) and then it doesn’t actually revive you. These glitches need to be sorted out ASAP because this game would be a whole lot more popular. Just another quick suggestion... way too many ads! Take a few out so you aren’t watching 30 second ads between every round especially when you die 70 times in a minute because another player just spawned on top of you with absolutely no warning! 🤦🏼‍♀️ Otherwise and with the potential for glitch fixes: Highly recommend!
  • It is OK…

    What I mean by OK is that it lets me play for like 30 minutes and then it actually turns off my screen and then comes back to my home screen and please read this if you are trying to think of downloading this,but what I want to tell you that I love this game is so should download it you but like I said in the other sentences it isn’t very good because it turns off my iPad screen and takes me back to my home screen which I don’t like about the game I do like the part where it actually has 3-D shape and not just the flat round part where it has water on the edges and you can’t get there like you can go all over the place you but you can’t fly up I’m on level one and it’s fun really really fun so I think you should try it out even if you don’t like video games or something it’s a good logical game and if you don’t like the logical games, You don’t have to play it but I’m saying it’s like a mix of a fun video game and logic game of logic puzzle.
  • Great idea, but issues

    I was really looking forward to this game, as I really enjoy the original game. When I first started playing I thought the app was great, but as the game went on, I noticed a few things. First of all, sometimes I will be most of the way done with the shape when I will be kicked out of the game. Other times, when I die, I will watch a 30 second ad for an extra life, and I won’t even get it. There are other bugs and glitches as well. Some times my area won’t add, and the area colors glitch out frequently. Also, sometimes the other players will spawn right next to my trail, and occasionally touching it. Lastly, I am pretty sure I’m not playing against real people. I’m always the first person to spawn, not once have I ever joined a game. The names seem like they are generated. Once I even had two Skull Crushers in the same game. My biggest indicator is that when I exit out of the app and go back in, the game hasn’t changed. Same thing after ads.
  • Minor Glitches but AMAZING game.

    This is an AWESOME app and it’s by far the best! I’m so addicted and can play this game for hours! However I do want to mention a couple glitches I JUST experienced in the game. While playing on one of the boards (specifically the whale one’ I was making my circle to color in, and random specs of the picture began to show I colored right in the middle of my area, no matter what I did it didn’t color in. So I continued coloring and then (literally) about 5 seconds later the picture glitches and showed me having colored it at 100% when I was only showing at like 16-17%. Also while in the Heart picture and coloring it randomly glitches as well and showing some spots uncolored right in the middle of my colored area. Then while I was within my color area randomly killed me. Hoping these bugs gets fixed soon, I don’t want to quit playing. Also, if I may make a suggestion, I love that this app has more picture and coloring options, but it would be awesome if it had it like .io2 has with the achievements and getting a certain skin pack for coloring. Like the duck, or pink plaid, or car, things like that. 😌🥰
  • Good game; horrible glitches

    The MOST frustrating thing about this game is the glitches. Getting a level nearly complete and you die; but you’re offered an extra life if you watch an advertisement. Okay cool, you watch so you don’t lose your progress, but half the time you don’t even get the life, and then have to watch another ad to start a new game! This is the most frustrating part of the game, and there are several other glitches as well. Sometimes when you’re at 95%, the game will spawn another player in your area, and this instantly kills you, at 95%, or the reverse, you get spawned in someone else’s area and die instantly. Other glitches include the app force quitting as well as your entire area going white until you can manage to find it again, which means it MAY turn back to your color. Great game but these glitches make people want to quit more than necessary.
  • 💪Real players or AI🦾?👀

    I have my suspicions that I’m not actually playing with other human beings. I think what is actually happening is that I’m training a neural network or other forms of AI to play against me. For one thing, the usernames are just regular nouns and not weird things that humans would make them; most human players would just stick with the default “player”. Also they to all have a similar play style which would not happen with human players except for a few outliers who play erratically. Thirdly, the games always start immediately which could not possibly happen unless all players in a particular game pushed start simultaneously (unrealistic), and there is no option to “jump in” to a game that is already started, however you see new players jumping into games all the time throughout the match; that is my strongest piece of evidence that these are really AI’s and not other humans I am playing with. It makes the game more challenging and interesting, but why are you pretending it’s not so? Why are you hiding it from those who play it? Is this some sort of social experiment?
  • Meh game but awful amount of ads

    So I know this game is fairly new, but it has a lot of problematic things. First of all, I hate how (as far as I can see) your character’s look and color isn’t customizable. Another is how the bots are everywhere and they are on way too hard of a difficulty sometimes, but other times they just avoid you completely! The thing I hope that is fixed the most is the ads. Every time you die or select to play, it gives you a 30 second ad. This would be a fine game if you removed the ads. Also, it is VERY obvious that the other “players” are actually bots. The final thing is, like many other games by Voodoo, when you die it gives you the option to watch an ad to revive yourself. This is all swell, but most of the time even if you don’t select to revive, it still makes you watch an ad. Reading the other reviews, this problem is persistent, and you, Voodoo are either not reading these reviews, or are deciding not to solve this problem. If all these things were fixed, then I would enjoy this game.
  • Good game

    Ok so I rarely ever write reviews. I am just trying to let you know the concept of the game. First off the people who say there are some glitches are right... Partly. I have only experienced minor glitches not extreme ones as some may have experienced. The glitches I have experienced are hard to explain but basically I die sometimes when I kill a person. Another glitch that gets me a little frustrated is that when I press the revive button, it no longer works after spending 10-30 seconds of my life watching an ad. Anyway now we’re talking about the concept of the game. The concept is actually pretty fun. I really like the game.. But anyway the concept is you basically try to get as much land possible.. pretty simple really. It’s harder than you think though. My high score is like 83 point something. It’s very hard to get 100. Anyway, that’s all I have to say here. I like the game overall. Keep up the good work Voodoo!!

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