Maximise your score with this FRCR part 1 (Physics and Anatomy) exam preparation platform. Practice unlimited exam questions, each with extensive explanations. There are focused animations and videos explaining most answers. Switch from flashcards for practice, to MCQS for self-testing, at your pleasure. Customise your content by selecting tags to select the topics you are weakest in. Three levels of difficulty are available to challenge anybody, from the newbie to the Gold Medal candidate. Best of all you can access professional mentors at a touch of a button, at any time, and on any subject, depending on tutor availability. Start a one-to-one tutoring session at any time and on any topic. The app is accompanied by a web-based admin panel that third-party tutors can use to add content and target selected students. Tutors can therefore use this application to deliver their own content and limit it to their own class if they wish. Best of all, usage of the app is free , both for tutors and for students, and fresh content is added daily!
This application relies on an internet connection. There is no sign-up required and is free for use as much as you wish. All images are original and labelled.
This application is produced by , an exam preparation site that offers quiz questions that will help you prepare for your part 1 and part 2 Radiology FRCR exams.
Any queries , corrections, to
Excellent on the whole, quick study aid mimicking FRCR part 1 anatomy exam. Could be improved further with a back button and a flag button to report when the answer stated is not correct. Also some arrows are ambiguous pointing to overlapping structures. The image quality is top notch and the app serves as a great refresher for more senior trainees too.
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Response from developer
Thanks for your kind comments. I will be taking your suggestions on board including the flagging button for disputable answers . I have also started experimenting with animated arrows to resolve the issue of overlapping structures , these additions will hopefully be released by the end of the year.