User Reviews: iFBAs

Top reviews

  • 妙控键盘不能自定义按键

  • i’ve seen better.

    just get retroarch
  • 西游记释迦摩尼玩不了,你为什么不修复下,以前的老版可以玩的

  • English please

    The app works good and the graphics look good but can we please get an English translation.
  • Confusing..

    First off, where is the English translation?
    I can’t read the buttons, and don’t know what they do! And second, why not just add a joystick and 2 Buttons instead of, that. If it’s going to be a game with a lot more buttons, make an option that gives the player more buttons!
  • 更新后按手柄闪退

  • 无法运行

    ipadpro2021 17.5.1 导入游戏后不显示
  • Please add English translation to app

    I have already fallen in love with this emulator. Even if Mame comes out eventually on the App Store, I don’t see myself going from this app and switching. However, it would be a big help if other languages were added to better assist potential users.
  • 运行不了

  • 非常赞

    体验很棒!如果能支持Mac和Apple TV就更完美了!