Learn Poker

Learn Poker

Learn game rules with quizzes

⭐️4.4 / 5
📼8 scs
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In-App Purchase
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All Versions of Learn Poker


August 23, 2020

Portuguese language support


July 11, 2020

Minor cleanups Added Dutch language support


June 7, 2020

Revised layouts


May 23, 2020

Additional quizzes Higher contrast for readability on some views


May 21, 2020

"Reveal answer" button appears after 2 wrong inputs Updated design (fonts & colors, background photography, startup screen) Added a link to my new machine learning study app


March 24, 2020

Added a link to my new probability app Fixed the background color on dark theme for the game setup page Changed some other minor visual elements


March 10, 2020

Minor user experience upgrades


March 4, 2020

Added additional quizzes Improved some visual elements Fixed an issue with the odds calculator temporarily becoming unresponsive


March 2, 2020

Activated module 4 quizzes for sale Added module 4 quizzes


February 28, 2020

Added more free quizzes Added a set of premium quizzes Fixed a bug where the dealer button appeared in the wrong position Cleaned up a few visual elements

Learn Poker In-App Purchases History


Module 4 quizzes

Additional quizzes focusing on basic strategy

Price History of Learn Poker

Description of Learn Poker

Never played poker before? This app teaches the rules of the game, as well as winning strategies. Study by solving quizzes, looking up odds, and simulating games.

Learn Poker: FAQ

Can Learn Poker be used on an iPad?

Yes, Learn Poker can be used on an iPad.
The Learn Poker app was developed by Jelle Van den Eynde.
The minimum iOS requirement: 9.0.
Learn Poker has an excellent rating of 4.4 out of 5.
The Primary Genre Of The Learn Poker App Is Games.
1.91 is the most recent version of the Learn Poker app.
The most recent update for Learn Poker was released on June 30, 2024.
The release date of the app was on February 5, 2023.
Suitable for children aged 4 and up, contains no objectionable material.
You can use the Learn Poker app in .
No, Learn Poker is not on Apple Arcade.
Yes, Learn Poker seamlessly integrates in-app purchases for users.
No, Learn Poker does not support compatibility with Apple Vision Pro.

Screenshots of Learn Poker


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Reviews of Learn Poker

  • Suits?

    Not able to input answers to quizzes because no apparent way to select the suit of a card. Surely I’m missing something…thanks for response . Works great

    Developer Response

    Hey Srw18, The way you edit suits is by swiping left/right on the cards themselves. Sorry I definitely need to make this more understandable... you're already the 3rd person to point this out
  • My earlier review was wrong, the app is GREAT

    I just didn’t know how to change suits lol but the app works exactly as intended. Best app for beginners for the price!!!

    Developer Response

    Oh I'm relieved lol! Thank you for the review it really helps me big time and is greatly appreciated!
  • Needs more substance

    90% of this is the most basic level of instructions on how to play Texas hold ‘em which is free with a basic google search. The last ‘module’ begins to look beyond the very basic and is what most are willing to pay for but the 20ish questions that your tasked with answering prob are not worth even the $1.99 asking price. But with a bit more content it would be totally worth it. Instead it wants you to pay an additional .99 to get what prob should just be included in the first place. My bet is they bait you with those last questions so that you feel confident the additional .99 is a + EV and you’ll just go ahead and pay it.

    Developer Response

    Hi SouthShoreAK! You're right, it's the most basic possible information starting right from the ranking of the hands. You can definitely find that information for free, but I'm not a fan of how it's generally presented. That's why I worked hard to offer a different (hopefully easier) way to learn it. There are 90 questions included for the asking price, not 20! And optionally 50 more for $0.99.