Trying to download an entire rss feed with about 280 episodes works. It takes time, but it works. The app then takes you to a screen that says it’s been divided into two batches; one with 200 episodes and one with 80. When you press download the app crashes. So all the waiting is a complete waste of time. I’m not sure what the download limit is. Sometimes 20 episodes works. Sometimes downloading more or less episodes fails. And it even sometimes says failed but has then downloaded some of the episodes. So then you have to figure out which episodes are missing and start over.
All in all the app has a fantastic feature, but I’d just love for it to work flawlessly and a big plus would be if you could choose where to save it before downloading it.
The app has now had this bug for several months. I sincerely hope it gets fixed very soon! The way it is now it becomes a tedious and annoying process to download many episodes. If you’re only downloading a few you’ll be fine. If you’re downloading a lot then prepare to experiment and experience crashes.
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