Identify mushrooms from their pictures or characteristics like hymenium types, cap shapes, gills, stipe characters, spore print color, ecological type and how edible using clear images of them. See the differences and similarities of mushrooms from North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia.
Also, our A-Z mushroom list helps you to see all mushrooms at once, compare them and learn about them.
Its easy to find the history or locations and many information about the mushroom with Forest Mushroom Identification.
Our identification guide from properties of the mushroom provides deep understanding of mushrooms and knowledge about them but you can also use our identification from pictures capability and see possible mushrooms closer to the one in your photo.
And you can learn more while playing Trivia about mushrooms.
All knowledge about mushrooms is just under your fingers...
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What's New in Forest Mushroom Identification
September 15, 2024
We have improved the detailed mushroom info and favorites page.
General bug fixes.
Very helpful but more photos at each stage of development would help. Especially, for the location!
Since Russian mushrooms were introduced in this region it seems more emphasis should be placed on common mushrooms found that are edible & what steps are needed.
Most people want to eat mushrooms so more detail/resources are needed to make this a safe & rewarding practice!