Best app for keeping track!
Things I love about it: easy navigation. The format, icons and colors make it simple with a non cluttered feel.
Information is added easily.
You can add your own: measures, for example I added the word pump because my horses get a liquid vitamin. You can add your own exercises!
Enter names of fields and easily assign horses to them.
One of my favorite features is that when you put all the feed info in, and set up each horse’s food for the day, the app pulls it all together, in two different formats, that you can share with others or print! No more making my own chart!
It does the same with the exercises. Make a list of exercises for horses for the day, and it will then add that to the horse’s page .you can add notes for a rider to work on specific things or or or, and you can also add notes after the ride.
And it is FREE! Wow. You guys have created a terrific tool!