ODS Research & Action, a PPP that allows the identification of critical problems (challenges) linked to sustainable development and the generation of proposals in various areas, which serve as a basis for the development of research that can be translated into public programs and policies or contribute to the development of new business opportunities, through an accessible, open and collaborative research model.
Familiarize yourself with the technology that is part of the change in collaborative research, among the characteristics of the PPP you will find
• Find out about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and their link to research agendas: select the goals and research areas of your interest; learn about computer graphics with facts and figures; and, the main research documents from your country.
• Challenge: identify and explore problems of society or a productive sector (research demands) for which a solution is required
• Proposals: generate proposals that serve as a basis for developing research or contributing to the development of business opportunities.
• Events: find seminars, workshops, conferences, diploma courses, festivals, forums, networking and innovation and research congresses linked to sustainable development in which you can participate.
• Surveys: as a user you can collaborate and participate in surveys. As a researcher, if you are interested in carrying out a survey, contact the administrator.
• Collaborate and interact with other researchers.
• Share in social networks, inviting other users to join your challenges, collaborate with your research proposals or invite them to participate in an event you are going to develop.
• The app is free and available in Spanish language.
About the APP: The APP was created by Fundación para el Desarrollo Integrado Sustentable (FUDIS), an NGO that since 1997 promotes sustainable development in Panama, through programs and solutions that create opportunities for social and economic well-being compatible with long-term ecological conditions. The development of the PPP has been possible thanks to a grant from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), managed by the Panamanian government's National Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation (SENACYT).