Longtime User and Family Admin
I am now limited to adding two hours of time at a time. I can go to their profile and add additional time in two hour increments, but the app seems to freeze sometimes when I do this.
You can only add money to your kids accounts in odd amounts. If my son gets $20 cash from a relative and wants to exchange it through me as Xbox currency, my closest options are $15 or $25.
This is baffling and feels hostile towards me. I’m not buying gift cards at a drug store, I am directly on *your* app trying to give my son money to use for games on *your* platform. This is so shady and gross. Why can’t I pick an exact amount?
Why can’t I just add like $100 to my account and then dole out an allowance to my kids $10 a time every week on my own?
The app works, it just isn’t as helpful or useful as it could be. And it feels like that is by design.