Developer is money starving
the reasoning is below but the tldr is, if you have a lot of time and enjoy watching ads constantly then yes this game is the grind you’ve been waiting for. If, like most people, you want to do something fun and not be inundated with ads and paywalls. Then no this game is not for you.
good idea, HORRIBLE EXECUTION. Better luck next time developer
First: you cannot actually “start” playing the game outside of the tutorial without watching at least 3 ads.
Second: the game sets you up to lose all of your starting money. The only way to get more is restart, or get this, watch a minimum of 35 ads in a row to unlock a credit card you can’t use in the tutorial.
3: the concept is cool but the game itself is butchered by the developers constant use of ads and paywalls.
4: you have to wait an hour after completing the tutorial before playing the game.
5: the reviews are accurate, and the developer response is always some kind of justification rather than saying point blank, yea we just want the ad revenue and the game is halfway decent as is and we do not care to make the game live up to it’s potential. There will be some kind of “we appreciate this valuable feedback BUT…” response under every negative review because frankly this is spyware make to just sit and collect a check from everyone looking to play something neat in this genre.