EasyQuit Pro User Reviews

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Are you a 6 year old girl?

If you are you will love this app. If not I suggest you move to an app that is easy to navigate, shows pertinent information and is not coloured like a candy store.

I downloaded this app and paid for the upgrade at the advice of my health care provider. She was wrong.

There are many more less expensive apps out there. Choose them.
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I love the apt just need to work out how to reset when i fail

Need to find the reset buttons easier when you fail a certain date

It Works if YOU Work The System!

My goodness. Quitting is tough stuff. If there is one thing I've practiced often in my life, it's quitting smoking. I also know what it's like to constantly fail. My bearded dragon passed away yesterday, and the sadness of my kids weighed heavy after 3 1/2 days not smoking and battling the bully in my head... I caved... again.
Anyways... I digress. But even after I smoked 10 cigarettes, it didn't make things all better. But it's how I dealt with life for the past 18 1/2 years. The thing about this app I love is that it works! I started using the journal in it to express how I feel. Map out the struggles. But MOST IMPORTANTLY... I am now creating a POSITIVE feeling to quitting in my journal entries. It's a positive thing to quit smoking. The urge game to distract yourself works. Even if it has to be used as often as you smoke. Play The Game! When you are struggling, write in the journal about it, but end with the entry in gratitude.
Don't be afraid to be open with others about your struggles. I'm so secretive and disappointed in my smoking that I hide it best I can from new people. Dating has been stressful too because I hide it. Most people don't smoke, and disgusted by it. Which weighs heavy... at least for me. But that's my limiting belief, and so irritating how often nonsmokers tell me what I already know.
This all started in 8th grade because I was so mad my friends tried it. I watched my mother struggle so much growing up (still does and may not have long left now... maybe a year), and I did not want my friends to go through it. I told them, "21 days to make a habit." "I'll smoke like you for 21 days, and then quit because it's not addictive."
Uufda. (Yes I'm from MN πŸ‘‹)
Now my kids see I struggle. My oldest daughter (14) has tried vaping, and getting high (smoking weed to fit in) even though she sees me struggle with cigarettes. Hoping I have helped steer her back on the right path... but I need to be that strong. My parents named me Hope because I'm supposed to be the "Hope for the future," and now I need to be the Hope for my future. I'm ending this with gratitude this app exists. It is one of the hardest addictions to quit, and hoping that if you also take this seriously we can be nonsmokers together! Congratulate yourself for taking the first step in this. Share openly EACH digital medal, EACH milestone, and live in gratitude for having the strength to keep going. You will no longer focus on relapsing. It happens. You're human... but are you going to let that define you? Are you going to give up? No! No you're not! Find someone to confide in to seek strength when you feel extra weak, and journal that... only finishing the entry in gratitude! You got this! We got this! You're not alone!
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Great App

I looked at about 20 different apps and this was the best one I found and I really really like it.

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