User Reviews: Profile Reports Tracker

Top reviews

  • Good so far

    Nothing seems bad so far, I like the watching a video to see who stalks my profile. Please make it where we can do 5 a day. This pandemic is making it hard for everyone to buy things. You'll get so much more downloads if that option were free! Thanks.
  • What

    You can’t sign in to your account no matter what it will just say you have the incorrect password, I can log in directly to Instagram using the same password thag I’ve been using on the app and it keep saying it’s the wrong password, and then when you have the app text or email you a link to your profile, it never works
  • Not awful unless you pay

    I know I know….
    But when you do pay for everything included it’s very nice but sometimes it doesn’t always connect
    It’s not awful for users who don’t wanna pay but it’s not the best
  • Nice

    this app is nice but the only thing that always makes me dissapointed on this kind of appd, is u have to buy to be able to see stalkers and blocker. But it do gives us 3 chances to look for stalkers
  • Love it

    Such an amazing app no problem with it always lets me see who unfollows me and never disappoints in love I of course understand having to wait every day to see more of the profile stalkers I love this app
  • Current Bug

    For the past week after going into the app I get stuck on the “Checking Users” loading screen. Yesterday I put my phone down & let it sit on the app for 2 hours & it still didn’t load through. We need another bug fix update😒

    Developer Response

    Thank you for your review. If you have problem with app, please email to our support team. We are here to help you.
  • Waste of money

    The app doesn’t do anything you can’t do for yourself. The stalker section is completely false also. You can make a claim that it isn’t but my proof comes from the fact that my grandpa showed up on it and he doesn’t even look at Instagram, let alone know how to search for a profile.
  • Tells you nothing Jew you can’t already find out in your own

    This app does nothing that you cannot already do yourself on Instagram. There is no app that exists in the App Store that lets you actually see who is stalking or viewing your profile. This app just pulls random followers that you don’t follow back and claims they are stalking you.

    Developer Response

    Thank you for your review. If you have problem with app, please email to our support team. We are here to help you.
  • i’m confused

    so basically i payed in app for all the features and it works great, it’s one of the best apps you’ll find like this however i recently noticed that whenever you go to the “followers not following me back” option that scrolling through working fine but whenever you click select at the top right of the screen it has been saying “Unfollow feature is not working now. Please try again.” i have tried it quite a few times and shut out the app, i even restarted my phone and waited a little over a day so i wondering if that could be fixed? because it was one of the really good features in the app
  • Worked ok but then not at all

    Used it for a couple days. The ads are annoying but for free I can deal with that. But then today when I type any name in the search bar it says searching but nothing happens. Just a blank white screen. Closed and opened the app and tried again multiple times. Not sure if it’s a bug or what.