Other Words is a party game where all players use their own mobile device. Unlike pass-and-play games, everyone looks at their own screen. Your local Wi‑Fi network is used to connect everyone.
You'll need 4 or more players. Divide up into Team 1 and Team 2.
Once all players have the Other Words app installed, one player CREATES the game and all other players JOIN.
The player that created the game will select the number of rounds, seconds per turn, and number of passes allowed per turn. They will also assign players to Team 1 and Team 2.
Each player will take a turn as the wordsmith. The wordsmith and the opposing team see the entire phrase. The wordsmith's teammates see the words as blank. Without saying any of the words, the wordsmith must get their teammates to say the complete phrase before time is up.
Some phrases are just single words. If the phrase contains multiple words and a team member guesses one of those words, the wordsmith can tap that word and it will be revealed on everyone's screen. Common words such as "a", "an", "and", "is", "it", and "the" are automatically shared.
If the wordsmith breaks a rule, the opposing team can press their CHALLENGE button. In a challenge, everyone votes YES or NO to determine if the wordsmith broke a rule.
Once the wordsmith's team gets the complete phrase, the wordsmith presses the NEXT button and a new phrase is given. The wordsmith can also press the PASS button without any penalty. However, there are a limited number of passes per turn.
All phrases were individually selected for gameplay ability.
Free Starter pack includes 250 phrases.
Expansion pack offer 2,500 more!
Kid's pack features 1,000+ phrases geared towards younger players.
Never any advertisements!
Troubleshooting tip: If you experience any network issues, try playing closer to your router.
We played with 10 people. We all sat in a circle in the living room which is where the router is so everyone had a strong WiFi connection. This game is lot of fun if you like the electronic Catch Phrase game that you pass around. We played for over an hour.