Sick of digging through recipe blogs to get to the goods? Get Feedme and get cooking. With Feedme you can trade recipes with friends and discover new dishes from the community.
Feedme is a cloud-enabled, NO Subscription, meal planner, recipe keeper, and shopping organizer. Discover recipes, plan your meals and we'll generate the grocery list for you. You can even order groceries online.
Sharing Recipes
Sharing recipes with your friends is easy and fun. With Feedme you can connect with friends, see what they're cooking, and save their recipes to your device with a single tap. Invite your friends and finally get that amazing cinnamon roll recipe you've been meaning to try!
Creating and Importing Recipes
Easily enter your favorite recipes with Feedme's recipe creation tool. You can also save time by auto-importing recipes from the web.
Meal Planning
Get organized! Once you've saved a few recipes, you can add them to your meal plan to keep track of what you're cooking next.
Auto-generated Shopping List and Online Grocery Order
Adding recipes to your meal plan will automatically add ingredients to your shopping list. You can even order those groceries online right from Feedme!
Some key Feedme features:
- NO subscription required!
- Create recipes and add them to your recipe catalog for organization and safe keeping
- Sync your recipes across multiple devices with one account
- Create a profile to show off your best recipes to all your friends
- Import recipes from the web with a single tap
- Organize your recipes into a weekly meal plan
- Connect with friends to trade your recipes
- Automatically generate a shopping list from your meal and plan and order groceries online
All features are available to everyone for free! The free version of Feedme allows you to have a total of 30 recipes, and unlocking unlimited recipes forever requires a one-time in app purchase. No subscription required!
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