User Reviews: HappyHr

Happy Hour Software, Inc.

Top reviews


    So great for people moving to new cities!!! Without this i wouldn’t have found all the great bars in Columbus:)
  • Loving this app!

    The deals have been awesome and I’ve found myself going out more because of it.
  • great app

    works great
  • Love it

    Best way to find deals and explore new places. Plus, the CEO is hot!
  • Awesome!

    Great way to find deals and new places for food and drinks!!
  • Best way to local deals!

    This will become your go to App for Happy Hour food and drink deals!! Best way to find them.
  • Great App!

    Such a great idea, it’s so great to see this realized!! Highly recommend :)
  • Great app to find deals in new cities

    And who doesn’t love a good deal
  • Kristen

    What a nice guy and app!!!
  • Very helpful

    Very helpful to find great deals and where to go in Columbus! Thanks!!