User Reviews: Scribble Rider

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  • I cannot get into the game anymore.

    I cannot get into the game anymore. I thought it was just my internet because at the time I was in the car playing the game, but once I got home I tried it again but it did not work, so I tried resetting my internet and it did not work, so then I tried play a new game in it loaded in perfect fine within 10 seconds, then tried this game again but did not work at all! So then I came to my App Store and looked up the game and looked a the reviews and it seems like others was having this problem too. I really think you should do something about it I think this is my third or fourth time playing it but today was a unlucky day I guess.
  • Feedback

    So off the bat, the elephant needs to be addressed, it crashes and lags, if it could hold data without lagging all the time it would be a little bit more fun. One thing I think would take this actually great concept is having a saved tab, so when you’re playing, you can open the tab and pick one wheel which you pre-made, so you can customize, and save certain wheels which you can pull out mid-game, there should be nine slots. Last suggestion is more skins and vehicles, there are too few in my opinion and more would be good. I like the gameplay, as well alas the fact there are skins, but it needs those changes, the first one being crucial.
  • Bugged out after 19 levels

    I played the first 19 levels fine, and the game was pretty enjoyable. But when I clicked play on level 20, it was identical to level 19 but the opponent started at the very end and instantly won. I was a bit confused, and clicked next level. Level 21 was the exact same again, and it just kept repeating 19 with the opponent automatically winning instantly. I tried closing the app and reopening it several times, but after closing it it would freeze on the loading screen and is now unplayable. It’s just a loading screen that says “100%” and never lets me play. This game is horribly bugged and needs a lot of work before it can even function as a form of entertainment.
  • Seriously.

    Don’t get me wrong, this game is really fun at first. Once you figure out what wheel shape is good for each terrain, it can be a bit easy to win, but either way, it’s fun and addicting. But I got to a certain level and there was a bug that the other reviews were talking about. The opponent on the level was already at the end before the start of the race, and when I got out and went back into the game, it got stuck on the loading page.

    Honestly, this is unfortunate because he game itself is really fun. If the creators fixed this I would be happy to start playing again.
  • Bugs and please add more

    After a while i cant get past the loading screen but i like rhe game sm ive redownloaded it prolly 15x at this point and its really frustrating bc i keep getting far and having to restart im writing this after just reinstalling it again, If you would add difftrent wheel types of more ppl and more rides that would be cool but if anything please make it load past the loading screen so i can beat the game 1 more idea i think would be really cool i think this could be added or be apart of a scribble riders 2 if you could make it to you can draw a front and back wheel speretly anf have 2 diff wheels
  • Repetitive

    I went all out and bought the no ads and the best skins for your character as well as vehicle. The levels are all repeated. Doesn’t matter if your on level 100 or 300 they keep cycling the same levels. I got up to level 381 and there’s no end to this game. Just keeps repeating. They need a desperate update. Regarding the glitch I have seen it once in a while on a specific level where the big Egyptian bricks are, the work around is to just keep playing the level until it loads successfully until the next one. Takes a couple tries. This game has great potential and is a great distraction but they need a desperate update, maybe new levels, and scenarios?
  • Can’t play it anymore

    Hi, first I just want to say that the game is really fun. But after you get used to all the situations to ride through it starts becoming less interesting. By the time you get to the second stage I already knew every shape of the tires that I needed for everything. And after a few stages it starts play the same stage over and over again, I don’t know if they need to make new levels or anything but I would just like that to be fixed. But now I can’t ever play the game anymore every time I click on the app it just loads to 100% and doesn’t allow me in so it is just a waste of a spot on my screen now.
  • Fun Until it Stops Working!

    Really fun game but full of bugs. I was blasting through levels for about an hour until the game broke. The opponent was sitting at the finish line from start to finish. I never saw them pass me or even race with me, their red marker in the top was at the right during the entire race.

    I decided to reset the app and then it would freeze at the start screen. I tried several times to get it to work even restarting my phone, no luck.. I would like to have played this for more than an hour but I refuse to redownload and go through all those levels with the fear of the app breaking again.

    Since it was fun, but isn’t functional I’ll give it 2/5 stars
  • Boring

    Though the concept is fun and genuinely entertaining for the first few minutes, the game actually begins repeating levels after a while. I’ve spent a couple days playing and have experienced all the same levels about 3-4 times, and the fact that it keeps going with “new” levels that are just old ones over and over again is really disappointing. Another problem is that I’ve mainly read about bugs, which seems to be a big issue, and I’ve had a lot of the same problems. Some of the levels are also broken. Platforms will fall into the water and make the level unbeatable, and you have to be kinda lucky for the game not to just drop you into the ocean. It’s a fun game to try, but it doesn’t hold up for more than about a day.
  • Simple and fun for a short time, but broken

    It’s a fun enough game for as simple as it is - there are really only four or five practical shapes you can draw to be effective, and once you’ve learned what those are, it’s basically a game of Simon Says - you’re just predicting the most effective of those wheel types based on the upcoming terrain. It is, however, a good time waster - simple and easy doesn’t mean bad.

    I also accidentally discovered that a particular hate symbol is the most universally effective wheel shape. Oops. I’ll let any readers find that one out for themselves.

    However, as many other reviews note, the game has serious bugs regarding advancing levels, and I’ve encountered the bug that causes the app to hang every time it’s launched. I’ve even swiped the app away and restarted my phone - the app won’t get past the loading screen and I’m no longer able to play it. I assume an uninstall/reinstall of the app is the only fix, but I haven’t confirmed that. Seems like the kind of bug any dev would trip over themselves to fix right away.

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