User Reviews: Running Monsters

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  • YAY

    Gru is the most powerful human being in the world and here’s why. gru is 4 minions tall meaning he is 14 feet tall. Furthermore if you remember the first despicable me, you remember there was a scene where vector kidnapped the girls and shoot multiple mistakes at gru, he dodges them all, according the speed to a average missle (1900 MPH) and the missle size to his ankle size, gru can move at such a speed the missles only move at 9.5 MPH (0.5% their original speed). after this gru punches a shake and paralyzed it meaning he broke the sharks spine. mind you it takes 3,000 newton’s to fracture the spine, that’s equal to a car going 500 MPH into a wall.
  • Omggg addicting!!

    I don't know what I was thinking
    Leaving my child behind
    Now I suffer the curse
    Knowing now I am blind
    With all this anger, guilt and sadness
    Coming to haunt me forever
    I can't wait for the cliff at the end of the river
    Is this revenge I am seeking
    Or seeking someone to avenge me
    Stuck in my own paradox
    I wanna set myself free
    Maybe I should chase and find
    Before they'll try to stop it
    It won't be long before I'll become a puppet
    It's been so long
    Since I last have seen my son
    Lost to this monster
    To the man behind the slaughter
    Since you've been gone
    I've been singing this stupid song
    So I could ponder
    The sanity of your mother
    I wish I lived in the present
    With the gift of my past mistakes
    But the future keeps luring in like a pack of snakes
    Your sweet little eyes
    Your little smile, is all I remember
    Those fuzzy memories mess with my temper
    Justification is killing me
    But killing isn't justified
    What happened to my son, I'm terrified
    It lingers in my mind
    And the thought keeps on getting bigger
    I'm sorry my sweet baby
    I wish I've been there
    It's been so long
    Since I last have seen my son
    Lost to this monster
    To the man behind the slaughter
    Since you've been gone
    I've been singing this stupid song
    So I could ponder
    The sanity of your mother
  • Changed my life

    I was about to kill my self but right before I could Obama Saved me and my life changed after that moment and I know what I had to do I worked at a ihop making break fest for everyone that came and you was enjoying myself but then I realized I was getting paid minimum wage so I worked so hard and I got a promotion after that day I went back home and fell asleep as I woke up I was getting robbed and to defend myself I only had a bat from the 1970 s my dad got me I was getting ready to smash there head and I did there head started to bleed as I fainted I woke up to the police staytion and they wanted to ask me questions about what happend and I told them the truth what happend then my old Freind Dwayne the Rock Johnson came in we hugged because we haven’t seen each other in a while and he had my back the whole time I went home still still thinking about the head of the robber gushing blood as I collapsed oh yea also the game is pretty fun
  • This game is the best indie game I’ve played (except for subway surfers)

    This game is a fun running game with creative players including Walter and Robot pug the game is updated consistently the only thing that I don’t like is the adds there pop after every death and it’s not a big deal but I would really like it if there could be a chance to make it add free somehow, although that’s it. I would like if you could make it multiplayer like ghost mode. Overall the game is really fun and has insane potential so please keep working on it
  • Impeccable

    I used to be depressed filled with sorrow my parents always said I would never amount to anything and at that moment I thought they were right my sister always bullied me wether it be my face or my body there was always something to criticize I was malnourished skinnier than you would think possible my health was dramatically declining I thought that there was no hope... I thought all of that changed when I found running monsters suddenly all of my sadness worries went away not to mention the beautiful graphics because of this game I’m now happily married with a table yet ( not legally though the pope refused to wed us ) we have two amazing children all thanks to running monsters :) ( please don’t take this seriously none of this is true.... unless)
  • yes

    My name is yoshikage kiwa. I'm 33 yeaws owd. My house is in the nowtheast section of mowioh, whewe aww the viwwas awe, and i am not mawwied. I wowk as an empwoyee fow kame yu depawtment stowes, and i get home evewy day by 8 pm at the watest. I don't smoke, but i occasionawwy dwink. I'm in bed by 11 pm, and make suwe i get eight houws of sweep, no mattew what. Aftew having a gwass of wawm miwk and doing about twenty minutes of stwetches befowe going to bed, i usuawwy have no pwobwems sweeping untiw mowning, just wike a baby. I wake up without any fatigue ow stwess in the mowning. I was towd thewe wewe no issues at my wast check-up. What i'm twying to expwain is that i'm a pewson who wishes to wive a vewy quiet wife. I take cawe not to twoubwe mysewf with any enemies, wike winning and wosing, that wouwd cause me to wose sweep at night. That is how i deaw with society, and i know that is what bwings me happiness. Awthough, if i wewe to fight i wouwdn't wose to anyone.
  • Yes

    This game has cured my depression I was incapable of getting an erection after 13 years of trying I finally got it once I got Walter I got hard I didn’t even know that it could go that big after my hardness I touched it it was a blast I searched up this website everyone’s been taking about it’s called porn hub I was considered but ecstatic after this joyful ride I felt a leg cramp come on after that I had white stuff coming out of my pp at first I though it was snow it tasted biter but sweet after I searched around for a while I realized I just ate children.
  • This game changed my life

    As a kid growing up I was always sad. I had nothing to do, no one to look up to, no one to be there for me. I was sad all the time. At the age of 10 I got my first phone. I found it in a dumpster. It was cracked but still worked. I downloaded some games such as Clash of Clans. But then I saw an ad for Homescapes. I downloaded the game and I was clickbaited. In anger I destroyed my phone. I then went back to being sad all the time. I decided that I would mow lawns and save up money to buy an iPhone 5. I mowed lawns for 5 years until I finally had enough money. After getting my phone I found a game called Running Monsters. I unlocked the Walter skin. After doing so everyone wanted to be my friend. They thought that the Running Monsters Walter skin was the best thing in the world! I am now a millionaire and live in a mansion with 3 Lamborghini’s. Thank you Running Monsters for changing my life.
  • No longer depressed.

    For years I’ve been beaten by my moms uncle named Tyler the fourth. It was on June 9th where I was sitting in my room conducting a ritual to remove my inner demons and my moms uncle walked in and spanked me for trying to save myself so he started beating me really hard with a bat. And then I cried so much to the fact where my room flooded with tears and then I got spanked again for flooding the house. And when we got outside my tablet slid right next to me, so I grabbed it and ran. I ran until I was lost and I decided I was bored and I would try to find a game to deal with my depression. Then I found this game. I am now very happy and I am in a better place, thank you for helping me.
  • yes 🤪✨👆

    this game is lovely. saw it on tiktok and i was hyped for it to come out. it’s doing so well already!!
    if you, the developer, ever comes across this, i really wanna congratulate you!! this game is very fun, easy, and time consuming (which is extremely beneficial for me and countless others!!).
    phenomenal gameplay!!! there’s no lag, not even for older phones, controls are so easy once you get the hang of it, but are vaguely explained.
    the texture and designs of the skins are extraordinary. i love the style, the consistent blockiness- it’s great.

    here are some recommendations of mine for the game!! -
    • you should make a menu of some sort that can be used to mute sound, audio effects, etc. . the sounds are great additions, but some aspects of it are distracting when gaming.
    • make a global leaderboard!!! that would be so exciting and make it somewhat competitive for those who love to work their way to the top w/ others!
    • add challenges / events !!!!! it would be AMAZING if we had challenges or events where we could earn limited edition skins or accessories!!!

    these additions are definitely going to take a lot of effort. i, and others, will certainly dedicate our time and efforts to support you in this process (whether it’s by donation, sharing the game, or just playing the game overall). i’ve already become addicted to this game and i, again, want to congratulate and thank you ! 😚💕🥰