User Reviews: Bad Credit? No Problem!

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Pixel Game yayyy

    really loved the premise and execution of the game. At first I started listening to everyone’s stories as they came in but once I realized that you could upset customers by taking too long so I honestly just started going through their applications without reading what they’re saying. I also didn’t really feel inclined to purchase any other than the bank account. the retro game seemed cool but it’s so expensive and doesn’t really seem worth it. Also didn’t see how watchful eye would have benefited me if I bought it. all in all a great really cool game
  • Do you enjoy indecision?

    Is your life too full of happiness and joy? Do you actively wish for more anxiety and stress? Look no further! You have found the ideal game to void that pesky feeling of contentment that has plagued you. On demand, you can now feel the futility of paper proofreading while wielding the power to destroy the lives of your desperate peers. And in the best case scenario, to keep playing the game, you must choose to be part of a criminally exploitative business model. In the end, you will keenly feel the despair of the modern working class, and be saddened by how well this art imitates life.
  • So simple but soo fun! Left me wanting MORE

    I am really picky about what games I actually like and will actually have fun playing but this game was so quirky and simple but so satisfying! I wish there were more options and more game modes because it was soo good but I finished the story mode SO fast I wanted to keep going rather than just replaying the 14 days again! Did I mention there are no ads???? This was a major win and I want so many more updatessssssss
  • An Actual Video Game

    Whenever I’m bored, I might play a quick mobile game. Usually it’s the standard nonsense that we’re all used to, so when I saw this and thought it looked like Papers, Please, I thought “eh, why not”. Great decision. Turns out, this is an actual video game with gameplay and very few in app purchases. The gameplay is simple and easy to learn, understand, and completely botch. The frequent saving also makes it more accessible for quick pick-up-and-put-right-back-down moments. This game is worth your time, far more than most money grabbing mobile games that make EA look generous.
  • Simple, but Fun

    So far, I love this game. It’s so simple to play, yet challenging. I enjoy that the game takes time for used to get used to each rule applied, gradually making the game more difficult instead of just all at once. If I had one complaint, it’s that when you get the 3 warnings, you start all the way over again. I wish there was a way just to go back a day or two. Other than that, i really enjoy playing this game!
  • I love this game!!

    This is so enjoyable. I love all the extra details added so there’s more to it than the paperwork. The dialog is one of my favorite parts. There were some features that were difficult to figure out but learning was so fulfilling. So my only complaint would be possible making it more beginner friendly because I did struggle a bit when it came down to the car value. This isn’t a complaint but more character customization wouldn’t hurt! Overall love this game and love that there are NO ADS!!! That’s so rare nowadays.
  • Best new game I’ve played in a while!

    I really enjoy this game it’s great off the bat and kinda reminds me of Papers Please. That being said Papers Please is my favorite game ever and this game scratches the same itch in my brain. My only “issue” was around day 6 or 7 when it gets to the customers income, less than a thousand they get rejected. I was confused why sometimes it would say they made less than a thousand and I would get flagged. It shows the WEEKLY amount they make NOT their entire monthly pay, so if it says they make $500, I would instantly reject them, but it turns out they make $2,000 a month. I learned this from another review and it has solved all my issues haha. Definitely my own error that I didn’t notice it said. “$X a week”! Another example; it says they make 300, 300 x 4 = $1,200 meaning they don’t get rejected.

    That was the only thing that really confused me, I love the game and couldn’t recommend it more! I hope more people start downloading it so they can see how fun it really is! The characters are super cute and I love the concept. I can’t wait to play the mini game you can download on the PC, I hope more little things like that get added to the game later on!
  • Recommendations

    Super fun game! Great job of making a simple yet complex game, the only issue is that I finished it in one night!!! It’d be really cool if you were to add more requirements for the agent and also the customer. You could add different stipulations like proof of funds, proof of residency, and maybe like a social security card. And then base the stipulations off of the customers position, if they have a lot of money and their car is worth a lot then they should be required to show proof of residency, but if it’s the opposite and they are only making like $50 a week then they should be required to bring in proof of funds. It could also be really cool to add like a ID/Passport scanner that can tell wether it’s fake or not and require them to bring in two forms of identification. On another note it’d be really cool to have more options on decorating your office and agent. My last idea could be to have different levels throughout the business as you progress, maybe after your first 2 weeks you get promoted to a higher position and therefore the office is a bit nicer and then continue that process. Being a manager would be really cool to play as. This game is awesome and I can’t wait to see how you guys develop it!!!
  • The best game on the App Store

    I needed a new game to play and I was going through games to play and I saw this game and I was like why not? I’m so impressed! I’m in love with the game, even though I hate we are limited to three strikes in 14 days, but it just makes it more interesting. I can’t wait to see what else they have in store for this game! You have gained a loyal customer!
  • A Breath of Fresh Air

    I absolutely love this game. I’m a huge fan of Papers, Please! and this game is similar but very different at the same time. It’s challenging having to keep an eye out for everything on an application, but it’s not too difficult for it to be unenjoyable.

    A couple of things that I wanted to point out since I saw some reviews:
    - The income listed is weekly. There is no bug with this. You just have to calculate the monthly income based off of the weekly. Very basic math.
    - The game takes place in 2016. There is a giant calendar in the game that tells you this information. Taking stars off of a review for user error isn’t very fair.
    - The bank is actually very useful. If you want to get a more rounded experience from the game, download the applications in your future playthroughs.

    Of course, this game just got released, so I’m sure there will be updates and more things to come. I’m just super excited that something like this exists on the app store now, and I can guarantee I will be supporting this dev through it all.

    It’s funny that I hate real life jobs like this, but I will gladly sit at home and play this game for hours.