SignalScope Advanced 2020 User Reviews

Top reviews

Very powerful. Very diffiicult to learm

The instructions are written for somone who already knows how to use the program. This is typical for programmers. Can't scale the vertical units as I would like and had to learn how to translate their units into volts. For them, m means volts, micro (greek symbol) means millivolts, and n means microvolts. This will drive you crazy. Can't set the peak of the fundamental to 0 dB. For instance, 1 volt p-p reads as -60 dB. Won't give TDH totals. Maybe there are ways to do these things but can't find out how in the instructions.

The program is buggy and tends to lockup. Needs to be restarted. It needs more work. Also typical. The older verson was much easier to use. This is just too hard to use. Finally geting the hang of it but doubt I can reach its full potential because of the lack of good instructions.
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