So all of those ppl who have watched atleast one gacha reaction video, we all know those, right? Well I haven't used gacha in ages, so what annoys me most at the moment is the fact that I'm using NEW OCs and those NEW OCs, ARE RESETTING. And the old style of "huge heads" rlly bothers me, so whenever I fix it, leave the game alone for FIVE MINUTES, it resets... and I have to smallen the head over and over and THE BACKGROUND MAKING... (FYI, I've NEVER made a reaction video before! Only seen them.) GETTING THE COUCHES, GETTING THE ROOM ACCESSORIES, COLOURING THE COUCHES AND ROOM ACCESSORIES, SAVING THE SCENE, Its jst tons annoying for Gacha Club to throw it all out. Like, c'mon, I'm trying my best here! And then I have to write ALL over the video, "Gacha reset again :/" "Gacha reset"
"Gacha reset :(" "Gacha keeps resetting😭" and I'd hate for my fans to jst see that written all over their 2k reaction video(celebration for 2k) Look, I don't mind the adds, but the resetting is jst... I don't anymore recommend this game, but I'm not trying to anger you Luni, jst please... Everyone's complaining abt this, pls fix it.
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