Too many notifications
Response from developer
Hello, we are sorry to hear about your review. If you are bothered by the marketing offers, you can edit them in Online Banking under Settings - My Profile. Have a nice day.
Response from developer
Hello, thank you for your very nice review. Feedback is important to us and we appreciate it very much. Have a nice day.
Lehkost ovladani a spolehlivost
Response from developer
Dobrý den, Jaroslave, děkujeme Vám za velmi hezké hodnocení. Zpětná vazba je pro nás důležitá a velice si toho vážíme. Hezký den.
Too crowdie visuals
Response from developer
Hello, we are sorry that you were not impressed with the new look of our app. However, I believe that by using it you will soon find your way to the app. Have a nice day, Katerina.
Apple Pay
Mam IPhone 11 a chtěl připojit svou bankovní kartu k Apple Pay, má karta je poštovní spořitelna a na informacích je napsáno že Čsob funguje s Apple Pay,ale když já se registriruju to mi píše:karta není připojena.Co mám dělat?Děkuji
Response from developer
Dobrý den, v tomto případě doporučuji kontaktovat kolegy z Helpdesku platebních karet na čísle 495 800 111. Rádi se s Vámi na dané nastavení podívají. Hezký den, Kateřina.
The worst
I hate the backwards Czech mentality. Please get it in your head that not all Czechs live in Czech Republic. Extend you limited thinking to the international client!!!!
Response from developer
Hello, we apologize for the complications that have arisen in our applications. I recommend doing a reinstall. If that doesn't help either, please contact colleagues from the electronic banking help desk at +420 495 800 111. They will be happy to help you with everything. Good day, Katerina.
English language
Response from developer
Hello, thank you for your review and feedback. We will pass on your suggestion for improvement to competent colleagues. Have a nice day, Veronika.
Smart Key
iPhone update requires
Response from developer
Hello, you can use the ČSOB Smart app on devices with iOS 15 and higher. We understand that you don't want to change your device now, either for financial reasons or you are just not considering a change. The solution for you is to use internet banking via the website, not the CSOB Smart mobile app. Have a nice day, Veronika.
čsob app
Response from developer
Hello, thank you for your lovely review and feedback. We are glad that you like the app. Have a nice day, Veronika.