Don't do testing in production environment
Hi development team, could you pls don't test notifications process in production environment. It will be annoy for end user..
Poor service
I've booked for pick up one week advance. But the call center person cannot confirm for my trip until one day before. He agreed to inform me that he will confirm back before noon of the departure day but not contacting me until afternoon. When I called to their call center and asked about my pick up they are not even searching.
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Worst experience in first step of sign up
Sign up button αααΎααα«α Sign in ααΎαααΊααα―ααΊαα»αΎααΊαααΊαΈ αα±α¬ααΊααααΊα·αα½ααΊ referral code ααα―αα±α¬ααΊαΈαα²α·α‘αα« αα―ααΊαΈααΆαα«ααΊααα― αα―ααΎαααΊα·αα¬αα±α αααΊα code α αααΊαα¬ααΎα¬αα²α app αα²α· αα―ααΊα
α¬αΈααΎα¬ααα― αα―ααα―ααΌα
αΊαα±ααΎαα±α¬α· α‘α²α· taxi service ααα―ααΊααα―αα―αΆαααα²α