Nawaloka Hospitals mobile App would give you the convenience to communicate with Nawaloka with regard to all your healthcare needs.
You can make Specialist doctor appointments, Video Consultations, Service appointments, Inward bill payment facility, wellness profile, Patient's history, Online pharmacy delivery, create medicine reminders, reach emergency and ambulance services, directions to the hospital, locate key service departments in the hospital, medical and lab assistance, find nearest lab collection centers, receive health tips and track your health.
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What's New in NawalokaCare
March 22, 2024
With this release you may try;
- Extra activities
- Setting reminders
- Creating a timeline post
- Send prescription to lab/pharmacy
Downloading the app and setting up an account was easy . However could not pay using a Visa or Master card ( international). We’ve had a relative to pay for it locally using the same account which was created for the “ arrival PCR” some how have not been able to figure out if the payment has been processed or not . Shouldn’t we have received and acknowledgement immediately via an email with a receipt ?