Not a finished product, horrible music.
1. There’s only 10 levels. I think I finished the whole game in maybe 5 minutes. Not enough content.
2. Everything audio is junk except for the gunshot and reload sound. The music when hunting is a horrible short loop of garbage midi sounds. Turning the music off will be the first thing you change. Seriously, it’s so bad… it will make you angry because it sounds like the intent was to annoy you.
3. The deer do not respond to you shooting at them. They will not spook. No AI at all.
4. Reeks of a high school or community college final project, or possibly an amateur trying to get a start in game development. This is NOT at the publishing stage, or even early release.
5. You cannot walk or move, just turn around.
6. Sometimes the buttons on the message boxes do not respond to a particular choice.
7. It’s not easy to tell which deer to shoot on at least one level.
Now for some good.
1. The models and scenery look good.
2. The rigging was well done.
3. Controls are intuitive.
And for the neutral.
1. It’s got ads. I’ve seen worse, and it’s a free game.
2. Some levels you’re shooting people. This might be off putting for some as a deer hunting game, but just about any first person shooter, well, they’re shooting people. But it does seem a bit out of place here.
Conclusion: it’s junk. This feels like it was made by one person with no help, or perhaps bad help from incompetent people. Fire your sound guy/gal even if they are a friend spouse or relative. Get someone who can add AI to the rigging. Make the hunter able to move. With a ton of changes and additional content this could be saved.