Order same-day groceries from Larry's Super Foods and get the same prices available in-store, including all sales and special offers. Scan products in your pantry to build your lists, saving you time and making sure you get the same products, even when having the store shop your order.
Your order will be selected by personal shoppers who are trained and committed to giving you the best produce, meat, deli and other items and your personal shoppers will contact you with any questions about your order or instructions or if an item is not available.
Use your past orders to quickly select and order your groceries, leveraging your favorites, order history and recommended items. Just browse the weekly ad or the entire store, select your items and order for pickup or delivery, where available.
View information about products, including pictures, descriptions, ingredients, instructions and nutrition information.
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What's New in Larry's Super Foods
April 27, 2024
+ Fixed issue by adding null condition check.
+ Fixed automatic scrolls up in details screen when scrolling through the Item collections/grids.
+ Fixed cart list to be sorted with walkpath sequence just like web.
+ Fixed display of no circular available warning message when no data exists.
+ Fixed some users unable to scan items.
Every time I went back to check another screen on my order was lost I started from Facebook then I went to Safari and then I went twice to Safari and each time all the data I had put in was lost I finally download the app and that was still a little bit hard to maneuver about but I finally did it and placed my order As I mentioned please add a poinsettia to the order Thank you Ruby Buchanan