I can hardly wait until March when this app is over !
All they do os advertise Christian authors books especially a certain author over and over again. I am not a fan of
CBN news but it is much much better than Charisma.
Charisma use to be a great magazine .
Now it can't even be good as a news app . And is classified entertainment in the Apple app store.
They didn't even cover our states's floods, thst is pathetic!!
I clocked how long it takes this app to load and it is between a minute and a half.
Never have seen an app take so long.
And then it is so NOT up to date .
They should not call this a news app.
Oh how I wish O would of never subscribed to thos app. Red flag was when they would not let you subscribe monthly.
After all they have to pay for that brand new building.
At least they have started not having "continual bashing" and making sure ALL Christians are informed of what preachers have fallen from grace.
I appreciated their piece on Amanda Grace as I watch her all the time.
But then they had to follow it up with the bald headed guy(sorry I don't remember his name, he does seem to be a nice man just trying to help us) telling us Doom and Gloom on October.
But then a one liner of BUT of Christians pray it could be averted.
Well I am praying that it won't but there are millions of Christians who donot subscribe to this app or watch Charisma You Tube( I tried watching that channel but gave up) or watch that prophets You Tube channel.
So everyone has an opinion and I am just one person with one
fairly negative of this app.
You decide for yourself.