User Reviews: Streamer Life Simulator

Streamer Life Simulator
Streamer Life Simulator

Top reviews

  • Good but…

    So this game is really fun and is really addicting but there are 2 things that are bothering me. 1. The food mechanic when you are collecting it in your hand. It says to press F (though there is a trick where you place it and eat it, but that’s just annoying) and 2. I’m trying to make a new game and it’s just not working. I’ve tried every button but the new game one just doesn’t work. This game needs some fixes but it will be better when it does get fixed (hopefully).
  • Did the developers give up

    Ok first of all you have to use the bathroom like every ten seconds every button I click for my phone in the game or the computer it shows an ad I got like 6 of then trying to start my car and I get hungry way to fast and you should be able to watch other streamers and the staem or steam app is available for the computer version of this game and it’s not out for mobile that’s understandable but pls you haven’t even added one update pls update add more things pls like there’s nothing to do when you stream other than fake talk to your streamers and play the stuff on the network and I get tired so fast while streaming I only get to stream for like 2 mins then he says I turned off the stream cause I was tired and there are pop ups like every 6 seconds and some of them are the same but at the start when I first started playing I said this game is not bad which it ain’t it’s really not all people care about is how many ads there are and it’s annoying I like this game but pls update this game
  • Great game but the Driving needs work

    So the game has been working pretty good as in the computer and bills and the jobs but every time I get out of the car to my job or house then it says every time I try to get out of the car is “The car needs to stop moving” and then I spend a half an hour just to get out the car. Please fix this bug!!!
  • decent but needs improvements

    The game is fun and I like how it came to the app store but there’s still some issues that can be improved to make the game better, for example when coding on the computer it’s basically impossible to press enter for some reason and the text on the screen is pretty hard to see clearly because of the graphics and almost every time I try coding I have to have my eyes right in my phone screen to figure out what the text says. There’s also other bugs like when you order food and pick it up it won’t let you eat it because you have to click F to eat but obviously this is the mobile version of the game so you can’t click F (although there is a workaround by just placing the food somewhere and eating it but it’s still slightly annoying). If the developers really took their time with this game it would be a 10 times more better experience but it just seems like they just copied and pasted the game over to mobile without really caring about the mechanics. This game is really addicting when it works (which is basically never on mobile) but unfortunately the bugs are really holding this game back from its true potential and hopefully and dev or someone see this and actually decides to put more effort into this game because I would really like to see this game succeed in the appstore!!
  • So many glitches, ads and bad mechanics

    i got the game and i started to play it and like get all the stuff for the pc and set up and stuff then i sleep to save the game and then get off it for maybe around 1 or 2 hrs and then when i got back on the game the computer in game just froze on the checkmark screen and i had to make a new game bc of the glitch then i did everything ordered a mic and everything and saved the game and got off again then later i got back on and i got save but all the stuff i ordered i didnt have anymore and bought another toitlet and mic and then saved it right away to make sure then the game told me to turn off the pc and the option wasnt there so i refreshed the game and it didnt do anything so i had no choice but to restart again, so now i got everything back and im good but then all of a sudden the instructions menu just disappeared and wasnt a thing anymore so i could even play the story and thats when i deleted this trash game, if i could id give it a 0
  • Broke the whole game

    It is really fun to play if you know what your doing and know what to do but I didn’t know that you have to get gas too until I realized that I’m running out of gas while driving the car coming back from work and I tried to find it but it was behind I thought that you can pick up a gas can that was right next to the gas station and I couldn’t pick it up so I basically couldn’t drive the car anymore so I tried to load a new game and it wouldn’t work either so I had to play the same saved game over and over again without the car.
  • Not worth the money

    I paid $6 so I wouldn’t have to deal with ads every 6 seconds. I wish I read the reviews before doing that. This game has so many glitches. It’s not even close to the pc version. You can’t eat unless you hold your food and do another task since there is no way for you to hit an F key. There’s no place for you to submit when you try to do the coding jobs. You can’t edit the shopping cart if you accidentally added too many things. There’s a weird glitch when you first setup the computer where you have to quit the game and come back in for it to work. You can’t stream games. It says coming October 15th. If they add games for streaming and fix these bugs for iOS I would gladly change my rating. Right now I just feel ripped off. This game still needs a lot of work.
  • Just not it

    I love to watch other play this game but it’s sad and disappointing on mobile. No effort was put into making this a mobile game just straight throw mobile controls on the pc version and not take the time to make sure it’s fully functioning. I can’t go 2 seconds without some ad popping up. I also can’t even eat cause every time I attempt to it doesn’t let me, why? Oh because you have to press the F key instead of just pressing eat so you can eat the food. So it’s impossible to eat, hard to play with 20 ads popping up in the first 3 minutes of gameplay. This game isn’t it for me until all these issues are fixed
  • Needs updates.. unless just not playable

    I was super excited about this because I wanted to play it so bad after watching people stream it. There is so many ads and I understand ads are important but they are so frequent and happen at the worst possible times like when you are trying to drive and you almost crash because of it. I was trying to buy it so that I didn’t have to deal with ads and it wouldn’t let me at all. I also had just finished building the pc and it wouldn’t let me start it and run it. So something needs to change to make this better. It’s fun the little bit I played but other than that I cannot play it at all.
  • needs LOTS OF WORK

    look it’s a great game it has great potential and i know it’s new but these bugs man, you have to press “F” to eat stuff and on mobile we can’t just press F to eat it so we are stuck starving the we start to die, and we can’t do anything about that either because you still have to press F to take the pills, i can’t play this game until it fixes that or else ill die

    but like i said it’s a fun game it just needs lots of work

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