Feyn User Reviews

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  • Lots of potential, wishing for some improvements

    I downloaded this app earlier this month to review vocabularies for French. The app has such a novel design and concept, which has worked well for me and i think it is full of potential.

    I prefer to digitalize everything, in order to reduce clutter and waste. But I still find studying using handwriting is the most efficient method, as it engrains it into your brain, and the kinesthetic aspect makes studying more enjoyable (personally). So, handwritten digital flashcards are the perfect thing!

    The vertical design works surprisingly well. The Feyn app is compatible with iPad split screen, so I can have my vocabulary list in my textbook open on Notability on one side, and have Feyn on the other side to copy them over to the flashcards easily. Since the flashcards are vertical, they fit perfectly on split screen. iCloud sync is also enabled, so you can create cards on your iPad then review on your phone (vertically) on the go. I never thought I’d be in love with vertical flashcards, but here we are.

    With these great things however, there are still many improvements which I would suggest. And i say these with the utmost love and wishing progress for the app!

    Firstly, review methods. Currently you can choose from review or cram mode. In review mode, all the cards are in order and not shuffled. In cram mode, it doesn’t tell you at the end which cards you missed, nor does it label or sort the cards you missed. This makes it hard to keep track of progress. I wish the cards would be shuffled in random order at each review session, and it would sort or label the cards you got wrong, so that next time i can choose to only review the ones i got wrong, and save time.

    Review order, too. Currently, you have to choose at the creation of the card whether you want to be prompted with “front” or “random” side of the card at review (“back” isn’t an option). If i wanted to change this setting for a deck of cards, i would have to manually go through each card and change the option. However, especially for language learning, neural pathways for vocabularies need to be built both ways, and practiced separately each way to strengthen. So, i wish we can instead choose at the start of each review session whether we want to be prompted with the front, back, or random side of the cards.

    Somewhat less important, some UX things: I wish we can flip a card using a gesture or tap, rather than a toggle switch like now. And I wish we can navigate to the next or previous card using arrow buttons or swiping gestures.

    Lastly, some aesthetic suggestions that aren’t necessary, but would be nice to have: different background grids for the cards (e.g. ruled, dotted, music sheets) and different card colors.

    Overall, this app is still great, and i think I would choose it over any other available apps on the market which I currently know of. It has so much potential and is so underrated. I wish for more people to know about it and use it, and i also wish for the above changes I’ve stated. I’m really optimistic about the future of this app ^^
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  • I want it but I can’t study unless it looks good

    I really like the concept of Feyn and I wanted to try it out, but I found out that you can’t import the cards from your Ipad to your Iphone. I take a bus everyday and don’t bring my Ipad, just my phone, so I can study. How am I suppose to draw on my iphone? It just looks messy and I have this thing where I can’t study unless it looks neat. Overall, I’m sure this app is great for Ipad users.
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  • Really cool

    I think the only thing I would change is the ability to zoom in because it can be a tab bit difficult to add small details.
  • Nice app!

    I love this concept of making fun flashcard while studying. However, some people don’t have apple pencils so it is sometime hard to write. Also, please enable zooming in on the flashcard so that us users can write more exact notes. I love this app!
  • More features

    Please make the flash cards bigger on the iPad! The card itself is tiny on the screen of an iPad, so making it bigger would allow for easier access to write on them with the Apple Pencil.
  • Great app!

    This app is great at what it does. I just wish there was nested folders and more organization in general, especially since I use flash cards for many different subjects.
  • Good app

    This is a really good app for several reasons. First I love the portrait orientation of the cards. It works really well on my iPad when I am multitasking. I also like the fact that I am writing rather than typing on the cards. I also like the simplicity of the app, and the fact that features are being added with care. That is why I use Notability consistently, and this app is shaping up to be something with similar power and simplicity. Now for some things I would like to see implemented: Immediately after writing several cards for chemistry, I looked for the ability to view the cards answer first, rather than question first. For this use case, I wrote down the names of the compounds, and on the back I wrote the formula, but I also need to identify the name from the formula. I didn’t want to have to write each card again the other way around, but currently it seems like I have to. The folder system is too limiting. This also an issue in Notability, but it is worse in this app. There is no way to create nested folders, and in this day and age nested folders are necessary, especially for scenarios where you have multiple topics in multiple classes. Even if you have some programming limitation where it is hard to make nested folders, you could at least make collapsible dividers like what Notability has. Good luck on the future of this app! I think I will be using it a lot, even with the limitations.


    The nested folders is good, but randomly flipping my cards isn’t. I need the option to flip all of the cards to either side, not randomly. Thanks
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  • Cool App!

    Awesome app! I’m a very visual person, so while i’m learning my different languages that have a different alphabet, I draw down the letters and things that I learned in that lesson. Later, I can go back to them and look over them. Thank you for this, it has a lot of potential. Definitely recommend downloading.
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  • Cant see some writing on phone

    I made some cards on my iPad and for some reason I can’t see some of the writing on my phone. It’s like it’s dark writing on the iPad and light writing on the phone so I can’t see it against the white card background.
  • Amazing, just some tips for improvement

    I wish we could organize our cards more freely instead of just folders, like moving the cards around

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