Very old style missing current recent important features
Response from developer
We'd like help with your issue with the A&E Crime Central app. Please reach out to us directly at so that we can assist you.
Will not work with lightning adapter and I assume air play
App doesn’t recognize my subscription
Seriously, it’s 2024 and they can’t sync subscriptions across devices yet at A&E?
Response from developer
Hi Tommy - We're sorry to hear you are having an issue with the A&E Crime Central app. We'd like to help you. Please reach out to our support team at so we can assist you directly.
Playback Problems
What’s more, I had started watching a different episode originally, which switched to the episode I mentioned above.
Very frustrating. I’m about to decide the app is too flawed to work. I won’t spend 30 minutes watching a episode I can’t finish, especially if I went to the trouble to download it.
Response from developer
Hello - We're sorry to hear that! Can you please reach out to us directly at so that we can assist you?
Hardly ever loads and content is lacking
Response from developer
We're sorry to hear you are having an issue with the A&E Crime Central app. We'd like to help you. Please reach out to our support team at so we can assist you directly.