User Reviews: PlymouthTrains

Integrated Traffic Systems LLC

Top reviews

  • Great idea, unfinished

    This is a great beta version of a great idea. It’s unfortunate development appears to have been abandoned.
  • In Anticipation of Five Stars

    Even with just one crossing, this app has saved me from getting stuck many times. The map addition is a nice visual, but the improvement I’m really waiting for is additional crossings. I also hope that as the map element improves, it makes the direction of any given train very clear.

    As a resident who crosses many tracks multiple times per day, I love this and can’t wait for more data!
  • Needs to be updated

    The idea behind this app is amazing. However, the fact that I can only get information on one set of tracks is very disappointing. With there being 7+ railroad crossings in Plymouth, this app doesn’t really serve any purpose. Sadly, I’ll be deleting this app.
  • Doesnt work

    On three occasions Ive sat and watched the train go by as this app reports “clear.” 😂
  • Great use of tech for a very Plymouth issue!

    Love this forward thinking use of technology. This new app already has a variety of features like real-time status and photos, automated analysis of train crossing probability, and live alerts.

    I hope the city can find hosts for the equipment and it comes to the other crossings eventually. I’m sure it’s harder to find a suitable place for a camera at the crossings on AA Trail and Mill near my home. It makes sense that Farmer was first since the city has an adjacent facility.

    Please keep moving forward on this effort!
  • Give it time

    I know this is brand new and I see a lot of potential in this app. I can’t wait to the progress as time goes on.
  • Beware of permissions.

    The app is nice but it causes 2 pop-ups at launch that want you to connect via Facebook and also provide your location. If you do not pay attention you may authorize both. You do not need to give those permissions to use the app. I was able to bypass both and it still works. Dev, why do you need my Facebook and location info?

    Developer Response

    Hi Rob517, Thanks for downloading the app and giving us an opportunity to answer your questions. You are correct that you are not required to allow the app access to your location, or to access the email address associated with your Facebook account. As the Location Permissions prompt states, we only require your location if you would like to receive location based notifications. By default, location permissions are not granted until the user indicates explicitly that they will allow them. If the user does not want to receive location based notifications, they can simply deny the application permission when initially prompted. The application also clearly displays whether location services are enabled in the "Notification Center" view (reached by tapping the calendar icon in the top right corner of the main view). By tapping on the "Location Based Notifications:" navigation link, the user can see a detailed description of how location based notifications work and how the applications uses location data. These permissions can be changed any time from your device settings. In order to keep records of a user's in-app settings (notification times, which crossings they would like to receive notifications for, &c) the app must associate each instance of the app with a unique-- and most importantly static, identifier. Like most applications, this is derived from the user's email address. We offer many different ways to provide the application with an email address, only one of which is through the email associated with the user's Facebook account. The "Sign In With Apple" option, for example, conveniently allows the user to submit an anonymized email address generated by Apple, adding an additional layer of obfuscation if the user so pleases. The user may also decide to enter an email address manually. We hope that you continue to use the app and find it useful. Best, ITS
  • Nope

    Was hoping this would be useful.

    For some reason it requires you to create an account - for reporting on the status of a single rail crossing?


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