Fizz User Reviews

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  • Moderation

    There needs to be a way to get appealed from being banned. Fizz is banning me for days and weeks at a time for things that I didn’t even do and don’t break any of the community guidelines. It’s like walking on thin ice posting because I don’t know what’s going to trigger me getting automatically banned for three days to a week at a time for something I didn’t even do. I’m a moderator so I know what can and can’t be posted. And then when I try to submit an appeal application it doesn’t even go through on the google forum. There needs to be a better appeal system and the app needs to be made less sensitive or be more specific on what words or phrases may trigger the moderation system to ban you. But in certain cases it’s banning me for something completely irrelevant to what was posted, for example, even if I say my OWN NAME or my friends NAME, whether I’m giving them a compliment or resharing their posts, it will ban me automatically for 3 days. The last time it was a week. Now it’s 3 days and I JUST got unbanned. There has to be a better moderation system.
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  • PSA:

    Do not get this app! I got it about a month ago, and it was already starting to negatively affect my mental health. The anonymity removes any consequence for what is posted; I have seen people take others photos without permission and post things that are clearly not permitted according to the app’s community guidelines. They claim to have regulations but frankly I don’t see those being enforced nearly enough for the app to be safe. It makes me feel paranoid that someone will take a photo of me without permission and post it if I do anything to stand out. I was way better off not knowing that students at my school were so toxic, and it’s hard for me to trust anyone I don’t already know. It honestly makes me wonder if they just made an extra step that says not to post inappropriate content but didn’t pay to have anyone moderate anything. For this app to be safe, the regulations it claims to have need to be enforced!!!
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, Please reach out to us at and we would be happy to address your concerns. We take safety and content moderation extremely seriously, and you can learn more about our content moderation practices at
  • Bullying and misinformation galore

    Don’t use this app, all people do is bully and mock students by taking photos of them/their belongings without their consent. This happened to my sibling who used to go to Samford. Someone took a photo of him and typed out a bunch of misinformation about him that was just so blatantly false and it somehow got a bunch of upvotes, which I assume is all ai. These people need to be held accountable for their lies and bullying, get rid of the whole “Anonymous” name feature to your app and hopefully it will die down a bit. Only a coward would take pleasure in bullying others and spreading misinformation behind the name “Anonymous”.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, Please reach out to us at so that our moderation team can investigate this issue. You can also learn more about our content moderation practices at
  • horrible moderation, loaded with bots

    i deleted the app after posting something that was “removed for violating community guidelines” (re: prejudice / bigotry clause) 3 times. the post was as follows (exact quote , and i have screenshots):

    “who wants to be friends :3 ? pc / xbox gaming / never been to parties but i will if you want Lol / no hook ups”

    i downloaded fizz bc i have severe social anxiety and struggle with making friends but am an extrovert who is VERY lonely, and i heard it was more popular on my campus than yikyak. in the single 24 hours i had it, this same post was deleted 3 times. i have no idea how this “engages in prejudice based on race, class, ethnicity, body type, ability, religion, gender identity, and/or sexual orientation”.

    this AI moderation is so frustrating because mine gets deleted but my campus’ fizz is riddled with sexual content & misogyny. on top of that, half the posts look like they’re written by AI (really basic stuff like “anyone else sleeping in today?”) and i think bots mass upvote posts to boost the algorithm (how did a 7 year old meme get 300 upvotes in under an hour?)

    it’s just not worth it for me, so i’m back to yikyak.
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    Developer Response

    We apologize for your experience on the platform. Can you please reach out to Our moderation team can investigate the action that was taken on your account.
  • Terrible performance

    I’d give negative points if possible for the deplorable use of AI to “auto detect breach of ToS”.
    The app could be so cool and useful if it weren’t for the fact that every little thing triggers the AI to suspending and muting my account. Mention the President of my schools last name informing others of how he’s financially crippling the school in a cordial manner? I’m putting “personal info” out there that could hurt him. Tell people he’s using campus resources for selfish projects that benefit no one but him when the schools struggling financially? I’m silenced because I put him in jeopardy. Say me and someone were sucking toes, I’m apparently harassing people.

    Your app is a dud, stop using AI to skim comments because it keeps giving false readings of what’s an actual offense and what’s legitimate content. I’ve gotten my comments and posts removed 5-10 times (whatever leads to a 24 hour mute) and each of them is because of a false reading.
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    Developer Response

    We apologize for your experience on the platform. Can you please reach out to so that we can investigate your account? We take content moderation very seriously, and unfortunately we have to err on the side of caution when choosing to remove content.
  • Why am I getting muted

    I really enjoy this app however I got muted for an hour for some reason and it said because of spam posts but the last post I had made before this was 20 minutes prior and as far as I can tell none of my posts were taken down. I wish there was an appeal process because I definitely feel like I was unfairly muted
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    Developer Response

    We apologize for your experience on the platform. Can you please reach out to so that we our moderation team can investigate any action taken on your account?
  • Bullying

    The anonymity allows college students to target other students at college campuses and bully them. Ever since this all has been released on my campus, it has been nothing but homophobic, racist, and harassment posts. There’s supposed to be “moderators” but they can only do so much as they are students as well.

    Specific students are targeted daily and talked about/slandered. This app does not bring any benefits to colleges.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, can you please email us at Our community team will investigate your concerns with moderators at your school.
  • Great replacement for what YikYak used to be!

    Works great, I like the tags features and organizations that are all from my school. Glad there is something like this when YikYak got bought and became worse. My one suggestion that I’d like to see implemented would be to be able to pick which campus you are on, within the school, and be able to only see fizz posts from your campus.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for the feedback! We will pass off your suggestion to our engineering team.
  • Reflects the worst of humanity

    I don’t understand how people can be happy with themselves while consistently making fun of and bullying the same people: individuals that they’re aware are likely on the app and seeing every post about them. An unmoderated, anonymous platform for contained, university campuses allows anything to fly free, and promotes a culture that will destroy people’s lives for a cheap laugh shaming anyone who suggests literal simple decency and an acknowledgment of basic human dignity.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, can you please email us at Our community team will investigate your concerns with moderators at your school.
  • New update :/

    You now can’t turn off the OP button when commenting on your own post, and you can only post under one name. For example, I run a student organization that has a handle, and if I comment on one post using it, I can’t then comment as an anonymous user — so I’m stuck replying formally as my organization and unable to comment as myself informally. This update is awful for student organizations and makes anonymity worse, and isn’t that the whole point of the app, even if they meed your email to sign up?
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, we decided to add this restriction to remove the ability to impersonate someone else in comment sections which was degrading the user experience. We apologize for the inconvenience!

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