Monica B. RN, CNCS
Immediately I was drawn to Annie’s kindness and warmth and as we talked she expressed more about her own journey and how she came up with this app.
Initially I have to admit I just loved this woman. It’s been a year since I met Annie and as I am a Baby Nurse who is also a certified newborn care specialist, I personally have had the most incredible experience with Rayz Kidz App. There’s so much to do when you’re on duty caring for newborns and helping their parents too. I feel very grateful and feel it is truly a privilege to work with families when they have their new babies. I take it to heart and want to help make their journey with their new baby as special as possible.
To me this includes keeping profesional legible notes on all the things I feel is pertinent and also the things that are just super nice to know about their baby.
With this app I was able to eliminate loose notes left around that often never got read by parents and it helped me ensure that I had an easy way to show parents how their babies progressed with their well being and development. One quick click allows parents to see how many times baby woke, ate and how well they slept. I can document if they need supplies and one quick look allows me to see how the babies did with their parents while I was off or with day time care providers as well.
I personally love catching cute photos of their babies and taking notes for parents to see what fun milestones their babies are meeting.
I have no issues admitting I am always learning new fun activities to do with older siblings too via this app. I can plan out age appropriate activities for the week and parents will also know how much fun their kids are having while they are away.
I love to try to plan ahead. With this app I can take a quick look and see when and what parents have planned out for the coming week and I no longer find myself racing to pack a baby bag for a doctors visit that I didn’t know about.
When I am working with families they love how organized I am with this app and I actually feel more appreciated for all my hard work cause parents can see it all documented.
Thank you Annie for this app. It’s helped to empower me, keep me organized and helps the parents I work with feel like they are more part of their children’s lives while they have to be away from them!