This is fun but extremely unbalanced game. It's impossible for me to finish the first course. I keep collecting equipment, but now I have the best of all the equipment I've collected so far and I still get wiped out on or before the 18th hole. If there is some other way to strengthen my characters, I don't know what it is. I also don't understand what the little icons for the different stats mean. I can improve either a sword, a plus sign, or a little blue drop every few rounds, but other than the sword, which I'm guessing is my attack, I don't know what I'm upgrading. What is the plus sign? What is the little blue drop? What is "AP"? I don't know or understand any of these things, which I'm sure further hampers my ability to progress in the game.
Tired of dying over and over while apparently having no way to decrease my likelihood of dying, so I'm going to delete the game. Too bad. It's basically fun; it's just too frustrating and apparently hopeless for me to want to keep playing.
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