Submit button to get a code to reset password doesn’t work
Hello I’m trying to get ahold of Josh or someone to help with this, I have a new phone and can’t remember my password. I still have my old phone and have access to the app, I’ve tried sending a few messages to see if I can get a code sent to reset my password on the app but no answers so far. Please help!
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Shipper and cons search bar takes too long
The load times for the shipper and consignee take way too long.
Can’t sing up
I tried it several numerous time and it just won’t let me sign up
Great app
App is great. I think the total miles should be adding itself up. Also I think adding a trailer line would be good and a notes box
Issues with shipper and consignee screen.
The consignee and shipper screen do not want to load any fixes for it. Tried log in and out and delete the app and reinstall still the same
Can’t add new loads
Can’t add new loads after 6/12/21 update. Just goes to a solid grey screen.
Response from developer
If you log out and then log back in it will fix the grey screen issue