Countdown  ™

How to cancel a subscription on Countdown ™

How to cancel a subscription on your iPhone

Discover how to cancel a subscription through Apple or one purchased via an app on the App Store.

  • Open the Settings app.
  • Tap your name - "Apple Account, iCloud and more"
  • Settings
  • In the first section, tap Subscriptions.

    Show screenshot.
    Apple Account on iPhone
  • Select the Countdown ™ subscription you want to cancel.

    Show screenshot.
    Apple Account subscriptions on iPhone
  • Tap to Cancel Subscription. You may need to scroll down to locate the Cancel Subscription button. If the button is missing or a red expiration message appears, the subscription has already been canceled.

    Show screenshot.
    Subscription screen on iPhone

Cancel a subscription on your Mac

  • Open the System Settings app.
  • Click your name - "Apple Account" in the top-right corner.
  • Click to "Media & Purchases" in the left-hand menu.

    Show screenshot.
  • Click to the "Manage..." button next to "Subscriptions" in the left-hand menu.

    Show screenshot.
  • Select the subscription you want to cancel. You may need to scroll down to locate the Cancel Subscription button. If the button is missing or a red expiration message appears, the subscription has already been canceled.

    Show screenshot.
  • Click the "Cancel Subscription" button.

    Show screenshot.

Unable to find the subscription you want to cancel?

  • If you member of family account, you need to contact your Parent or family account owber to cancel the subscription by folowing the steps above.

  • If the receipt lists another Apple Account you use, sign in to that account and follow the steps in this guide to cancel the subscription.

  • Consider contacting app support or visiting the developer's website for assistance.
    Follow by this link to discover the Countdown ™ in the App Store.

    App Support

Discover price updates of Countdown ™ subscriptions

Premium Week

Unlock function, remove ads, premium for week

$0.497 Days

Premium month

Unlock function, remove ads

$1.991 Month

Premium year

Unlock function, remove ads, premium for year

$3.991 Year