With mp3TrueEdit you can easily record, edit, play and create MP3 and AAC audio projects that allow you to save your work at any time. Then, you can then ‘export’ your edits without any quality loss at all! During playback you can also change the pitch or tempo to suit your needs.
You can cut, copy, paste, delete and crop audio, and now change volume, all quickly and easily and all for free. You can also purchase an upgrade to enable extra functions too, such as fade-in and out, inserting silence and other silencing effects. There is even an automatic normalize function to maximize volume levels without any distortion. The upgrade also includes the ability to split audio into tracks and tag and export them as separate files as well as a new 'convert' feature that allows you to change the audio file format and settings and also to save changes to the pitch and tempo.
As well as this the 'Pro' version of mp3TrueEdit allows you to join audio files of the same type (by appending audio) or split audio into separate files by creating and tagging tracks and exporting them or by exporting selected audio regions in the free version.
mp3TrueEdit knows about the internal format of MP3 and AAC audio files and its advanced algorithms allow it to make all its edits without any audio quality loss or file corruptions. Additionally, It doesn't need to decompress and re-compress audio in order to make any edits or view the audio so it's lightning fast, even with large audio files.
It also supports MP3 or AAC recording using the simple built-in audio recording feature.
Other key features:
• Multiple undo and redo.
• Add Effects such as fade-in and out, normalize and volume change.
• Insert silence or make sections silent.
• Fast - loads a 2 hour MP3 file in a couple of seconds.
• Sharing with SoundCloud, Google Drive, Mail, DropBox apps etc.
During playback or after converting - change tempo without affecting the pitch or change the pitch without affecting the tempo. The many uses include:
• Slow down and don't miss a word when transcribing meetings.
• Accelerate listening to audio books.
• Slow down audio when learning a new language.
• Adjust tempo or key of songs when playing along with instruments.
• Re-tune karaoke or backing tracks for different vocal ranges.
• Transcribe music more easily when slowed down and/or tuned for a new instrument.
• Dance & Physical exercise: Adjust music tempo to match with your exercise level.
• Slow down playback to help improve the accuracy of editing audio.
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What's New in mp3TrueEdit touch
June 26, 2024
Upgraded to Qt library version to 6.6.3
Other improvements and bug fixes
A good basic editor. Deleting projects is cumbersome
Provides intuitive basic editing of audio files. However, it is not optimized for touch environment (no swiping, long pressing, etc.). For example, it takes 10 taps to delete a project! So, if I edit 15 files I need to tap 150 times to delete them!
Response from developer
Thanks for your feedback, we appreciate you taking the time to let us know what you think.
As far as the 'Delete Project' function is concerned we tried our best to prevent users accidentally deleting files or projects so it may require more taps just to be safe. Also we will work on allowing users to delete an abandoned project for a future release. [EDIT]: Deleting abandoned projects is now an added feature.