User Reviews: LANDrop

Top reviews

  • Nice utility with some flaws

    I went looking for a non-email, non-iTunes way to pass pictures and videos from my iPhone to my PC. This utility does that nicely, and with adequate speed for my needs.

    Some flaws I’ve run into:

    First, you can’t review what files you’ve selected on the iPhone. You can see how many, but not which files.

    Second, there doesn’t seem to be a way on the iPhone to delete a selected file from the to-be-transferred list, other than exiting the app and restarting. If you’ve selected some files for transfer and then decide you don’t need them all, you either have to go ahead and send them all and then delete the unneeded ones on the PC side, or start from scratch after restarting the app.

    Third, I inadvertently started up a second instance of LANDrop on my PC, and it threw up an error message about not being able to grab a port, but still ran the second instance. Not sure what would have happened if I’d tried a transfer at that point - didn’t try, just terminated the second instance.

    Still, I like this app much better than emailing files, and will be using it going forward.
  • Nice

    Very Nice
  • Best cross platform app I have ever used

    You guys did a great job with this app, has never disappointed me since I discovered it in 2021.
  • 和airportal互有胜负

  • Freeze when selecting photos

    On iOS 15.6.1, when I am trying to add photos to be transferred, the app freezes once I tap ‘done’ button.

    Other functions work fine.
  • Fast, Simple, Awesome!

    I have had an IPad, IPhone, and PC for many years now. I had no simple way of sending files from the ipad or iPhone to the PC. With landrop, thats as simple as clicking 2 times. Love it!
  • The best cross cover wireless sending between operating systems I’ve ever seen

    Truly this is just about everything you could ever want and sending files quickly and wirelessly, between Android, Apple, Linux, windows.The only thing that I wish that they would add and update, is the ability to save devices that do not require handshake. That way it would be seamless and immediate
  • No longer works

    This app worked very well until a few days ago.
    Now it seems there is always a connection problem to get the app online.
    Such a shame ‘coz the app was really useful.
  • 手机传文件到pc有问题

    如题,pc最近升了win11,结果手机ios端不能传文件到pc上(有时显示unable to connect to xxx),但是反过来从pc传文件到手机上却可以,不知道是不是不兼容win11,如果是,希望可以改进一下这个问题


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